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Christine Sorensen Mr.

Borrero English 1101 27 August 2012 Reflection of Literacy Account Based on archetypes, my audience would probably view me as the literacy winner archetype because of my detailed descriptions of my achievements. I could also appear as rebel archetype because of my defiance to being a strong reader when I was younger. I showed defiance by lying about the reading logs that were required in elementary school to show progress on reading. I do not think I appear as a victim because I take a lot of the blame for the challenges I face now as a reader or any type of literary things. The idea that I valued in my literacy account was that practice makes perfect. I came to conclusion that being a strong reader through elementary school would have helped me a lot more as I got older. I did not convey the fact that my grandma and father are very avid readers. My grandma has a library named after her in Indiana where she lives because she dedicated so much of her time to the childrens reading program. It was unfortunate that trait of love for reading was not passed on to me. I used little narratives when I described I described the series I read when I was younger. I pointed out my strengths in writing when I talked about my achievements such as my paper about my experience at Camp Whittle. I got to read it aloud at a camp reunion in front of all the camps sponsors. Another achievement was that I wrote a short essay about my experience on an airplane and in my account I went into the same detail about that part of my life. On the contrary I also analyzed why I was so bad at critical reading which was probably more an aspect of a master narrative many people that have the same challenges as I do with critical reading is because they also

werent avid readers. Overall I think that when I had strengths I used more of the little narrative techniques but when I had flaws I used my master narrative. I think that my account was fairly accurate because I never played the blame game for my flaws and challenges except on myself. This is accurate because it was my own fault for not taking responsibility for my learning. I also could have pointed at in my flaws how I would lie on my reading logs. I was so lazy that the last night before the reading log was due would just write a bunch of books that I found around the house. This is a detail that would have made my narrative a lot more personal.

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