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James Bush <theoknock@gmail.


Answers (again) to your questions posed in your letter dated October 5th, 2012
1 message James Bush <> To: "Press, Eric (HHS/OCR)" <> Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 8:57 PM

I am in receipt of your letter dated October 5th, 2012, in which you pose several questions, all of which I have answered for you in past correspondence and conversations. I will endeavor to answer them again; however, you are pointedagainto documentation previously submitted to you that provides all the information you need. Everything you need to know to successfully prosecute this claim can be found online at An e-mail was sent to you several months ago that explained how each and every document was relevant to my claim. Additional documentation was also forwarded to you to show you that Dr. Winslow repeated the exact behavior that formed the basis for the original claim on a subsequent encounter with him. That means you have TWO well-documented incidences of CLEAR-CUT retaliation. You were also sent an e-mail listing each and every such document, with an explanation of the relevance of each one. You were also told that you would be given medical records to show that Dr. Winslow did not refer me to another doctor in the second case, as he failed to do in the first. Also, please remember: the original complaint was for a medical violation of privacy; it was the OCR that decided to pursue a claim of retaliation, even though no such complaint was originally submitted by me. It was the OCR's determination at the time it reviewed the claim for a violation of medical privacy rights that Dr. Winslow may have retaliated against me for filing such a claim. Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be easily answered by this document: Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Against Dr. Dean Winslow, M.D. This document is written in plain English, so that anyone can understand; however, if you have questions, feel free to call with them. Sincerely, James Alan Bush (408) 791-4866 652 Laurie Avenue Santa Clara, California 95051

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