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Informatica 7.1:How to upgrade INFA from 7.1 to 8.

We are to upgrade our INFA from 7.1 to 8.1. We have chalked out the strategey as follows: 1/ At first we need to back up of our repository by using backup command in pmrep which syntax: backup -o #output file name# -f (overwrite existing output file) -d #description# [-b (skip workflow/session logs)] [-j (skip deploy group history)] [-q (skip MX data)] 2/ Then to copy the old repository into the new location without copying the content. 3/ Install upgraded version client and server. 4/ From Administration Console create and select Repository Service. Be alert for database type,cennection info and codepage-->Do not create repository content->Create Check all if u are sure-->Enable-->Actions-->Upgrade Contents. Check for the contents once again.

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