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Bias: siding with creativity

Performing Arts: music, textiles, drama and art Academic Subjects: maths, science, law

Are academic subjects as important as creative subjects?

Our Topic
Peoples choices: what they are good at or enjoy more

Topic relates to students and education

Make smart choices in your life

Facts and Figures

Make Art Your Career. Have a passion for art? Make a career of it and get paid to do something you love When choosing subjects it is a good idea to get a balance between what you enjoy and what will help you in your future career, after all, if you enjoy a particular subject then you are more likely to succeed in it. New rule to schooling systems requires 16 year olds to do core academic subjects: English, Maths, Science, History/Geography, and a foreign language
The figures show that across England there are: 137 schools where no pupils were entered for geography GCSE 57 schools where no pupils were entered for history GCSE 30 schools where no pupils were entered for a modern language GCSE 219 schools where no pupils were entered for French GCSE 1,067 schools where no pupils were entered for Spanish GCSE 516 schools where no pupils were entered for any of the individual science GCSEs Department of Education

They are taken in over 125 countries and offer a choice of 60 different subjects. Cambridge International Examinations

'Students should study more academic subjects' Only 0.2 per cent of students who take non-academic qualifications go on to university, it claims The Independent

Drama encourages children to express themselves, gives them the ability to think of their feet, articulate and give speeches Drama exercises can serve as tools for helping students sharpen their emotional sensitivity and awareness

"Different qualifications do not mean a drop in standards or a lack of challenge, and we have established an independent regulator. The system proposed in this report is prescriptive and would mean all young people are forced to take a set of exams that may not be right for them. That would be unfair to pupils and deny teachers the freedom to help pupils decide. Schools Minister Vernon Coaker

Target Audience
Results from Questionnaire and Focus Groups
15 QUESTIONNAIRES ANSWERED: 6 called themselves academic (5 female, 1 male) Studied: Geography, History, Biology, Spanish, Sociology, Business, Computing, English Literature, Psychology, Maths, Law, German Hobbies: Reading, Gym, Cricket, Computer Games, Science Fairs Next Step: University 2 called themselves both creative and academic (2 female) Studied: English Language, Film, Philosophy, Media, Dance Hobbies: Creative Writing, Song Writing, Dance Classes, Reading Next Step: University 7 called themselves creative (5 female, 2 male) Studied: Media, Art and Design, Graphics, Dance, Media, Music, Theatre, English Language Hobbies: Musical Instrument, Dance Classes, Comics, Drawing, Sculpting, Blogging, Gigging, Skating, Basketball, Socialising Next Step: Gap Year, University Apprenticeship

Preferred Documentary Channel: Channel 4: 7 BBC Three: 5 Other: 3

Questions for Interviewees

Bernie (Dr at Birminghams Children Hospital) What did you study at college and university? Did you always want to be a part of the NHS? Looking at creativeness versus academia, do you feel they both play an important part in education? Although your role is of a very academic nature you obviously have your own unique style, is this how you show your creativity? Paul Ashdown (Principal of College) Do more pupils come to Solihull Sixth Form to study arts or academic subjects? Rumour has it, the numbers of pupils applying for arts is becoming less and less, is this true? Personally, what do you think universitys value more artistic ability or traditional humanities? Therese Down (Head of English) Would you describe English as creative and/or academic? English is a core subject at school, do you think its important to carry it on at college? Do some of your English students do creative subjects as well? Academic Student What do you currently study at college? What do you wish to do and be after leaving? Do you feel an immense amount of pressure to do well due to the course you want to do at university? Or do have any creative interests alongside your college studies? Do you ever wish you did a creative subject?

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Denise (DJ) Does being a DJ mean youve had the opportunity to turn your own passion for music into a career? Would you say there are more perks in Dj-ing than perhaps being a teacher? With music, you can get really involved in what you do, do you think it is important to have some sort of connection with your job? Editor of College Magazine You have a clear passion for clothes and fashion, art and textiles, where did this originate from? As the editor of Solihull Sixth Forms magazine, you have been able to use your creative skills alongside managing a team, has combining this balance taught you anything? Do you feel any pressure to study academic subjects rather than creative ones? Do you think your choices are manipulated by the things you are good at? Band Member (The Scribers) Do you study music as well as having it as an interest? Do you think the Scribers will go further and further? Do you wish for your dreams to turn into reality? Do you believe being part of a band increases your confidence and gives you the chance to believe in yourself? Creative Student What do you currently study at college? What do you wish to do and be after leaving? Do you believe art subjects are as important as academic subjects? Quite often, people arent aware of how much dedication students have to have to do creative subjects, do you feel as if people underestimate the arts?

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