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Facts and Myths

Myth: The amendment is needed to provide choices. Fact: This is about WHO chooses locally elected boards or unelected political appointees. Myth: Charter school applications are routinely denied by local school boards. Fact: Locally elected school boards deny a charter application for governance, financial and/or ethical improprieties. Charter schools can go through a formal appeal if their charter is denied. Myth: Charter schools are better academically. Public schools are failing. Fact: In 2010-11, 73 percent of traditional public schools in Georgia met AYP targets while only 70 percent of charter schools met those same targets.* Myth: State-controlled charter schools make public schools more competitive. Fact: Charter schools are not bound by accountability laws regarding class size and are not required to hire certified teachers. Money will be siphoned from public schools, resulting in larger classes, shorter school years and teacher furloughs.

Myth: State-controlled charter schools will reduce expenses for public schools. Fact: A state-funded dual school system siphons funding from public schools. Local property taxes will increase to make up budget shortfalls as the state reduces funding for existing public schools. The state has already cut public school budgets by more than $4 billion over the past 4 years.

Myth: The amendment lets the free market work. Fact: Bureaucrats choose, local communities lose. Crony capitalism reigns. Academica, a for-profit charter management company in Florida, has successfully bypassed local governments. The company partners with real estate companies who lease schools to the company so it can avoid paying city and county taxes. Is that what we want, for-profit companies running our schools? Myth: No public school funds will be used. Fact: There is no magic money and state legislators refuse to say where the money comes from. The state does not fund existing public schools. How will the state fund a new dual state school system? Trust in politicians? Myth: Power to the parents!! Fact: Power to for-profit charter management companies, their lobbyists, and the politicians in their pockets. ###

*GA Dept. of Education 2011 Annual Report

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