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The 15 Oil And Gas Pipelines That Are Changing The World's Strategic Map

Gregory White|Mar. 24, 2010, 9:45 AM|162,709|11

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The geopolitical landscape of the world is being remade by the increasing demand for energy resources from rising powers like China and India and preserved leaders, like the United States and Europe. That demand is resulting in a massive expansion of oil and gas delivery projects which are redrawing the battle-lines of resource conflicts, both in war and in diplomacy. The oil and gas business is taking advantage of the demand, and we have a rundown of the key pipelines reshaping the global economy.

US Influence: TAPI Pipeline

Start: Turkmenistan Delivery: India What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: Unknown Strategic Impact: The key gas pipeline in opposition the Iranian offer in the region. Backed by the U.S. government, this pipeline would further ostracize the Iranians economically by exporting gas to the key emerging economy of India, without involving Iran. Source: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Wiki

North America: Denali Pipeline

Start: Alaska north slope Delivery: Alberta, Canada, then onto the American mid-west What Will It Carry: Natural Gas Completion Date: Unknown Strategic Impact: While two major groups are still competing over the project, the impact would be significant for the growth of the natural gas industry in Alaska, further reliance on the energy source in the U.S., and the potential involvement of Russian gas giant Gazprom in the project. Source: Wiki, Denali

North America: Keystone Pipeline

Start: Alberta, Canada Delivery: Illinois and Oklahoma What Will It Carry: Oil Completion Date: 2009-2012 Strategic Impact: Extensive use of shale oil on North American continent. Allows for reduced need of oil from non-North American sources. Significant business for U.S. refineries. Source: TransCanada, Wiki

European Independence: IGI Poseidon Pipeline

Start: Greece Delivery: Italy What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2012 Strategic Impact: Provides a connector for gas traveling through other Southern European projects to Italy. Depending on which pipelines it is eventually connected to, could be in the interest of Russia or another supplier. Source: IGI Poseidon, Wiki

Russian Dominance: Mozdok Pipeline

Start: Azerbaijan Delivery: North Ossetia What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: Operational this year Strategic Impact: The strategic impact of this site is already being felt, as Russia went to war in the region in 2008. The pipeline also passes through Chechnya, a disputed Russian territory. Source: Wiki

Russian Dominance: Altai Pipeline

Start: Russia Delivery: China What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2011-2015 Strategic Impact: This pipeline provides a direct link between the Russian natural gas industry, specifically Gazprom, and the Chinese buyer. It creates a further strategic dependence for China on Russia for its energy needs, which could lead to further diplomatic tightening through organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and in combined actions on the UN Security Council.

Source: Wiki, Oil Capital

Russian Dominance: South Stream

Start: Russia Delivery: Austria, throughout Southern Eastern Europe What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2015 Strategic Impact: Russia's move to continue gas dominance over Europe, the pipeline is to offer gas directly to Europe, while bypassing the often troublesome Ukrainian middleman. Source:, Wiki

Russian Dominance: Nord Stream

Start: Russia Delivery: Germany What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2011 Strategic Impact: A sign of a broadening energy partnership between Germany and Russia, this keeps Russia in the European game in a strong way. And also gives them a voice in Brussels via Germany. Source:, Wiki

Against Russia: TransCaspian Pipeline

Start: Turkmenistan Delivery: Azerbaijan What Will It Carry: Natural Gas Completion Date: Unknown Strategic Impact: Serves as another route for Central Asian countries to avoid going through Russia to get to Europe to deliver their natural gas reserves. European markets therefore are serviced from more sources, reducing Russia's grip on the continent. Source: Wiki,

Against Russia: White Stream

Start: Georgia Delivery: Romania, and then on to Western Europe What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2016 Strategic Impact: Circumventing Russian dominance of gas markets, this pipeline would further compete with Russian power and give great E.U. connectivity to its neighbor, Georgia. Source:, Wiki

European Independence: Nabucco

Start: Turkey Delivery: Austria, South Eastern Europe What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2015 Strategic Impact: Reducing the influence of Russia in European energy markets by supplying a link for the continent to Central Asian gas supplies. Broadens Turkish partnerships with Europe, and could eventually make use of Iranian gas reserves. Source:, Wiki

SCO Growth: Kazakhstan-China Pipeline

Start: Kazakhstan Delivery: China What Will It Carry: Oil Completion Date: Completed, further portion in 2011 Strategic Impact: China's first direct oil import link, the pipeline serves to broaden ties between China and its Central Asian neighbors. These energy moves feed into a broader economic story evidenced by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's growth in the region. Source:, Wiki

Russia-China Partnership: ESPO Pipeline

Start: Russia Delivery: China (potentially also Japan) What Will It Carry: Oil Completion Date: 2014 Strategic Impact: ESPO has the impact of tying China into its strategic partnership with Russia as it draws more from its neighbor's energy reserves. If Japan remains out of the equation, it may serve to bolster the China-Russia partnership, the SCO organization they both lead, and continue to ostracize US allied Japan. Source: Reuters, Wiki

Iran: Pars Pipeline

Start: Iran Delivery: Turkey What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2014 Strategic Impact: Would give Iran access to European markets, competing with Russia for the gas trade. Completion would apply a strategic broadening between Turkey and Iran, as well as a reduction of U.S. strength in the region. Source:, Wiki

Iran-Pakistan-India Pipeline

Start: Iran Delivery: India and Pakistan What Will It Carry: Gas Completion Date: 2015 Strategic Impact: A definite power move for Iran if it pulls it off. With the potential to serve both Pakistan and India, both strategic U.S. partners with large populations and growing economies, with natural gas could broaden its protections from sanctions and keep its regime safe. Source:, Wiki

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