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UNIT 1: Google Earth - Mapping Global Issues

Standard Addressed: 2.4 - Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency) {Technology}

Formulate and synthesize new knowledge using new and emerging technologies.

Performance Level in Meeting Standard

Performance Description
Evidence of Learning My Google Earth placemarks contain no content errors. All placemarks include images and descriptions to support the issues. There are no technical flaws. I applied technical skills that were not covered in class to enhance my project.

Exceeds (4)

Meets (3)

My Google Earth placemarks contain no major content errors. All placemarks include images and descriptions to support the issues. There are no technical flaws.

Approaching (2)

My Google Earth placemarks contain minor content errors. My placemarks include images and descriptions that may not always support the issues, or I may not have a supporting image or description for all placemarks. There are minor technical flaws. My Google Earth placemarks contain major errors in highlighting global issues. Most, or all, of my placemarks do not include images and/or descriptions to support the issues. There are major technical flaws.

Below (1)

Unit Reflection: Describe technical skills that you learned in this unit. Which technical accomplishment makes you most proud?

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