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PRESENT: Sweden: Sture Barkin, Romina Huerta, sa Holmstrom, Anne Duberg, Ulla-Britt Ahlen, Maria Lyngstam, Margret Italy: Barbara Lapornik,Jana Veljak. Germany:Hannelore Kurka, Marco Grasa. Turkey: Sezen Dogan, Ali Ozturk, Hattan Yildiz, Lale Karasu. REP. Czech: Irena Bednarova, Sarki Hustar, Iva Klondova. Spain: Paloma Perez-Crespo, Jos ngel Moreno, Juan Jos Hernndez, Antonio Parra. In the presence of the above-mentioned members, the third meeting was held marking the official opening of the second year of the project. The meeting addressed the following points: Presentation of the Gumaeliusskolan Centre, rebro, by the Swedish students of 9th grade. These students offered a full description of the centre and the activities that are carried out, their daily routine, as well as the main features of the Swedish education system. They also spoke of the city, its customs and ways of life. The director of the Centre (Sture Barkin) explained its organization and internal functioning, and its role in the city, analyzing the number of students, facilities, and its wide offer of education in the language field, thereby contributing to project a great image of the Centre in rebro. The rest of the Swedish teachers involved in the project analyzed aspects such as the numerous and varied student body, with a high percentage of foreign students (24%), which helps the Centre to operate as an excellent reference for students of the locality, not only in the educational field. Analysis of the activities undertaken by the Spanish team during the first year of the project.) Analysis of the activities carried out by the rest of the partners during that year. It highlighted the small participation of the Turkish partner, which has provided information for only one activity out of all those proposed. Teachers of the Turkish delegation promised to solve their technical and communicative problems soon. (Spanish delegation) Volunteering: presentation by the Spanish partner, of a new activity that the rest of the member countries must implement during the second year of the project. Such activity should be put into practice in each country, since that is the central theme of the I European concert of solidarity. It is expected that in Heidenheim (Germany) meeting, each partner will present a strong volunteer project. Students experiences: the Group of Spanish students participating in the meeting related their experiences of the "Believing in Humanity" project of the Mediterranean IES. Speakers: Miriam Conesa, Laura Muoz, Carmen Donate, Jos Luis Hernndez and Monica Tzenova. I European concert of solidarity: the beginning of the preparations for the concert was announced by the Spanish team together with issues related to the date, the attendance of the countries involved in the project and their participation:

( to) The concert date: 7 June 2013. ( b) Final meeting and closure of the project Believing in Humanity in
Spain: to be held between the 4th and 8th of June.

( c) Each country shall communicate as soon as possible, the number of

participants in the concert and a visit to Spain, according to the number of mobilities granted by their respective national agencies. ( d) It is proposed that each country make a performance in concert (students and teachers), and also be involved in the final song. Consultations about the type of act that each country can perform and students who participate were resolved. ( f) The partners were informed of the cooperation that the Mediterranean IES will have from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) in the conclusion of the concert, and in the volunteering, as well as participation of students of the Erasmus program in the concert. Proposed activities of the project to be carried out during the 1st term of the year 12/13 were explained, and these were to be added to the calendar of activities on the website. Questions and remarks: ( to) The date of the meeting to be held in Heidenheim (Germany), is between 3 and 7 December 2012. ( b) The date of the meeting of Sivas (Turkey), to be held between 11 and 15 March 2013, was also agreed. ( c) The German Professor Hannelore Kurka presented the activities carried out in her Centre in the first year of the project. ( d) Similarly, the Czech Professor Irena Bednarova made a presentation of some of the activities carried out in her centre during the last school year.

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