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PSA Project


A public service announcement (PSA) brings public awareness to a particular issue. They are short, concise videos that make a point quickly and clearly. In this project, you and your group members will plan, shoot, edit and produce a video PSA (live-action or animated) between 3 minutes and 5 minutes in length. The PSA topic must be agreed upon by each group member and then reviewed by your teacher before you can begin. The topic must address an environmental concern that you believe needs to be addressed by your peers at CHS and in the greater Charlottesville/Albemarle community. As you brainstorm topics, think about the information we have already covered in class during our Environmental Issues project. These include: Water use Land use Waste Recycling Energy use Climate change Biodiversity Your group may choose to focus on one of these topics, or pick another environmental topic relevant to the audience that will be viewing the PSA. The completed PSA video can earn each member of your group up to 100 points towards his or her final grade on this project.

Overall Grade:

Your overall grade for your completed PSA project is based on 200 possible points, which will be distributed among the different project components as follows: Video PSA = 50% Use of Class Time Grade = 30% Peer Assessment = 10% o Peer Assessment is a summation of your group partners observations of your contribution to the project and your fair assessment of their contribution. Audience Assessment = 10% o Live audience reactions and comments at the premiere of the video presentation. Note that your best strategy is to work as a group rather than have each person take sole responsibility individual components of the project. Think about it would you want to place your full stake (160 points) in the hands of just one other person in your group? Every person in your group should have a role in the production of each component of the PSA project.

Video PSA Production: Overview: each team will produce one video PSA (live-action or animated) that is 3 minutes to 5 minutes in length. The required elements include: 1. Informational video PSA between 3-5 minutes long 2. Title that introduces the topic 3. Credits that list your team members (you may identify your roles e.g., camera, interviewer if you wish) 4. Supporting institution(s): Where did you film? 5. Names of any individuals who assisted you directly in the production of the video. For example, if you film inside a supermarket, you must obtain permission to do so from the manager and then provide his or her name in the credits. 6. Proper credit and citation for music, art, and photography included in your PSA. Prohibited Elements: 1. Impolite, vulgar, rude, or other inappropriate and potentially offensive language, gestures, or images 2. Uncredited use of music, art, video or photography. 3. Uncredited appearances of readily identifiable individuals in your video; if you ask family or friends to appear in your film, you must give them credit, by name. 4. Not being ready to screen your video in class when the PSA submissions are due. Refer to your PSA Video Rubric for additional information that must be included in your project.

Visual Presentation (50 points)

PSA Project Rubric

Appropriate message (10 points) Message is very appropriate: environmental issue-related and specifically targets the CHS or Charlottesville/Albemarle audience. (10) Message is mostly appropriate: only partially environmental issue-related, includes unrelated, distracting content. (8) Message is somewhat appropriate: only slightly environmental issue-related. (6) Message is not appropriate: either unclear or not environmental issue-related. (4) Information is accurate and from reliable sources (10 points) Information is very accurate and reliable: PSA includes accurate facts and figures that are consistent with widely available research. (10) Information is mostly accurate and reliable: PSA includes accurate facts and figures that are consistent with widely available research. (8) Information is somewhat accurate and reliable: facts and figures are present but are not consistent with widely available research. (6) Information is not accurate or reliable: PSA is lacking any credible information about the topic. (4) Visual Presentation appropriately conveys message (10 points) Visuals are very appropriate; illustrates the selected environmental issue-related topic. (10) Visuals are mostly appropriate; only partially topic-related, included unrelated, distracting content. (8) Visuals are somewhat appropriate; only slightly topic related. (6) Visuals are not appropriate; either non-existent or not relevant to the topic. (4) Creativity/Originality (10 points) PSA is highly creative: style is very original and attention-grabbing (10) PSA is somewhat creative: style is original, sustains audiences attention (8) PSA is minimally creative: barely sustains audiences attention (6) PSA is not creative: no attempt is made to sustain audiences attention (4) Information appropriate for identified target audience (5 points) Level and detail of information is very appropriate for target audience. (5) Level and detail of information is mostly appropriate for target audience. (4) Level and detail of information is somewhat appropriate for target audience. (3) Level and detail of information is not appropriate for target audience. (2)

Length appropriate (5 points) Length is 3-5 minutes. (5) Length is 2-3 minutes. (4) Length is less than 2 minutes (3)

Use of Class Time (30 points)

Group members appropriately manage and use class time to complete the PSA project (30 points) Group members appropriate use class time allotted to complete the PSA project without redirection from the instructor. (30) Group members occasionally need to be redirected to use class time allotted to complete the PSA project from the instructor. (20) Group members consistently need to be redirected to use class time allotted to complete the PSA project from the instructor. (10)

Self & Peer Evaluations (10 points)

Students self evaluation (4 points) Peer evaluations (6 points) o Each group member will evaluate each of the other members of the group for a maximum of 6 points. o All of the peer numbers will then be added and divided by the number of peers to determine the average peer evaluation score.

Audience Assessment (10 points)

Each group will receive an audience assessment score during the class viewing time. All group assessments will be averaged to determine the final audience assessment score.

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