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AEET/EDET 603 Fall 2012


Barbara Solomon

PSA Project: The DESIGN Phase Outline

Project Title:

PowerTeacher Gradebook, Empowering New Teachers

General Goal: I will use this opportunity to develop concentrated training specifically focused on the needs of new teachers. This multimedia training module will expose newly hired teachers to the SC adopted PowerTeacher classroom management component of PowerSchool.

Specific Outcomes: This training will serve to educate and prepare new teachers for the reality of the daily classroom. After viewing the multimedia training video, teachers will be able to record student attendance, manage seating charts and student demographic information, communicate skillfully with parents and incorporate the SC and/or Common Core standards within their lesson plans. Topics reflect the top four or five activities teachers need to master immediately. Audience New teacher graduates and those preparing for their first year of classroom teaching will receive introductory training via this module. This specific group of teachers may have received minimal student teaching exposure to this software; however, this limited experience is a disadvantage when facing a sometimes overwhelming first year in a classroom setting. Content Outline I. PowerTeacher Classroom Management Tool a. Web Portal Teacher access b. District level implementation c. Supported Browsers and Accessibility Logging in to PowerTeacher a. URL b. Teacher username c. Teacher password Navigating PowerTeacher a. Navigation bar b. Student ID bar c. Main menu d. Current classes




Daily Chores a. Take Student Attendance b. Submit Lunch Counts c. View the Daily Bulletin The Student Backpack a. View Student Demographics b. View Attendance summary information c. Student schedule view d. Create teacher comments for parental and student views. e. Print student reports for individuals and groups of students f. Submit student log entries


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