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Evaluating our Storyboard

Andrew Irving

What is a Storyboard
A storyboard is an essential part to the planning and research of our Music Video. A storyboard is an initial plan for each camera shot that you will use for the music video. It shows a brief idea of what we want out music video to look like with some design elements in the drawings to add more detail to the camera shots. There is also a brief explanation of the shot, what is happening in the shot and how this shot will be edited and lighted.

What is an Animatic
The animatic is an shot initial film of what the video should look like, it is a step further than the storyboard but it is also still vague enough that changes can happen before shoot day. They also show the running order of the video and gives a clearer idea of the narrative to the music video too.

Is it necessary
The storyboard is necessary because it is a plan for our music video shoot day, without it we wont have a guide to which order to shoot in and which camera angles to shoot in the right order. It also pans out how many shots you have and it also corresponds with the timing of the music video and also helps which order the shots will be edited.

Pictures of our Storyboard and Animatic

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