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Communiqu to the general public through the members of the Press

15 October 2012 Introduction Draughts or Pool checkers is a group of abstract strategy board games between two players which involve diagonal moves of uniform pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over the enemy's pieces. Draughts is played by two people, on opposite sides of a playing board, alternating moves. One player has dark pieces, and the other has light pieces. The player with the dark pieces makes the first move unless stated otherwise. Pieces move diagonally and pieces of the opponent are captured by jumping over them. The playable surface consists only of the dark squares. A piece may only move into an unoccupied square. Capturing is mandatory. A piece that is captured is removed from the board. In all variants, the player who has no pieces left or cannot move anymore has lost the game unless otherwise stated. But the strategy involved goes so much deeper. You have to analyze every move an opponent makes, where will they move next? What will happen if they jump this piece? How can I get a double jump from this next move? Which jump is my best option? There are so many questions you have to ask yourself and so many possible outcomes that it's mind boggling. Thinking so logically at this rate kicks your brain into overdrive and will force critical thinking. Children who are exposed to playing draughts at an early age tend to show more potential in school. Benefits of Draughts game Strategy board games like draughts are great for building good critical thinking skills, and the most simple and basic games are possibly the best. Playing draughts is a key to unlocking your thinking skills and can promote healthy brain function in the elderly, and stimulate brain development in younger children. These games are not only fun and enjoyable but promote good mental health and social skills. Studies show that elderly people who engage in gaming, such as chess are less likely to develop mental disorders and their brains continue to function at a normal rate instead of deteriorating. Also children who are exposed to playing draughts at an early age tend to show more potential in school. It is a fact that some games are restrictive or has a limit beyond which participation is impossible for example, a footballer may be famous while in youthful stage but as years go by playing such game competitively becomes almost impossible, at the same time some games are for atleast well to do people.


This is not the case with draughts, Young or old, rich or poor everyone can participate effectively in the game of draughts. This game is not only fun and enjoyable but also promotes good mental health and social skills. As the saying goes, an idle mind is devils workshop the game makes one to be active rather than thinking about engaging into some immoral behavior. The Game of Draughts in Malawi Olden period The game of draughts is not new in Malawi. It has been played for long time and is still being played by many in the streets, Market places, barbershops, work places and many more. But the play in the past has not always been on a serious note. Individual talents could not be fully exposed and exploited since there was no body to administer and control the game. Modern period Draughts as a game cannot continue to be played without mission and vision this is with reference to the position of the same outside Malawi. Thanks to the internet community which has tremendously assisted draughts enthusiasts to realize that the game is competitively played outside Malawi. Talents out there are identified and exploited as such the same game helps other people to earn a living. The game has a continental governing body known as The Confederation of African Draughts and The World Draughts Federations is responsible for administering the game world over Now in order to take the game in Malawi to another level individuals especially players that love the game started discussing about working together and sooner than later a grouping called The Association of Draughts in Malawi in short ADMA was formed. The association was informal meaning it was not recognized by government. So members worked tirelessly from the year 2010 to have the grouping formalized. Though informal the grouping managed to organize local, regional and national tournaments and indeed one international match was held with its meager resources It was the wish of ADMA members to make sure that the association is known and accepted by Government of Malawi through Malawi National Council of sport since its inception in 2010 On 25 July 2012 the Association got its long awaited acceptance from the Malawi Council of Sports, this was no mean achievement.


This means that the Association is now a formal body being at liberty to practice in Malawi and access some assistant facilities from the Council as may be affordable and this why today we are standing before you our distinguished members of the press. ADMA is known worldwide through its website, and email address,

ADMA Mission, Vision, Goal and Slogan MISSION STATEMENT To actively and effectively organize, govern, develop and control the game of draughts in a manner that will continuously improve the standard of draughts in the country and augment the competitiveness of Malawi draughts while at the same time providing total entertainment to people of Malawi.

VISION To contribute towards social economic development in the country and assist in putting Malawi on the world map through a thriving and strong draught industry. GOAL To make Malawi a respected draught nation and reinforce its dominance on the African continent and world at large.

SLOGAN "Taking Draught to a higher level"

ADMA Appeal to Companies and people of good will For ADMA to achieve its Mission, Vision, Goal and Slogan it will require support in material and financial form therefore ADMA is kindly asking Companies and all people of good will for support. To all those who feel have talent in the game can become members of ADMA by signing registration form which is available on our website


ADMA Plans To work hard to secure sponsorships and by calling you our distinguished members of the press we intend to build trust into our prospective sponsors who may doubt our existence This will help ADMA in organizing tournaments on district, regional, national and international scenes To introduce the game officially in Schools as this will help in building good critical thinking skills as already pointed out. To become an affiliate of both Confederation of African Draughts (CAJD) and World Draughts Federation (FMJD)

Similar Associations In Africa (Affiliates to Confederation of African Draughts) Zambia: South Africa: Uganda: Burkina Faso: Cameroon: Congo: Cote dIvoire: Guinea: Mali: Lebanon: Senegal: Mauritania: Somali: Togo: Niger: Zambia Draughts Federation (ZDF) South African War Games Union Uganda Amateur Draughts Association Burkinabe Federation of Draughts (BFD) Federation of Draughts Cameroon (FDC) National Federation of the Congo Draughts (FNDA) Ivorian Federation of Games Ladies (FIJD) Guinean Federation of Draughts and Chess Mali Federation of Draughts Lebanese Federation of Draughts Senegalese Federation of Draughts Mauritanian Federation of Draughts Draughts Somali Sport Association Association of Draughts in Togo Niger Draughts Association In Other Continents


American Pool Checkers Association Draughts Federation of Netherlands just to mention a few.

Just to point out that ADMA has so far established good relationship and received support from similar association outside Malawi. For example The federation of draughts in Netherlands promised to donate draughts material e.g. clocks to ADMA of Malawi and ZDF of Zambia soon after the two countries published their websites and as we speak these clocks have already arrived in Zambia and we are looking forward to receiving ours in the near future ADMAs Special Appeal to our distinguished Members of the press ADMA is aware that whatever has been outlined here can not materialize minus you our distinguished members of the press, this is why the executive committee of ADMA decided to kindly invite you therefore we are kindly asking you to assist us in promoting this game in Malawi. We believe that with your assistance the general public will easily know why this game needs to be uplifted. Our special request to you this afternoon is to kindly ask your media house to atleast include this sport into your sports programs. Above all Mr President, Misheck Job Munthali sponsors a weekly bonanza that takes place every Sunday at Ndirande it involves close to 20 best players who are divided into two divisions, First division and Second division. Whoever takes first position in the second division automatically is promoted into the first division and whoever takes last position in the first division is relegated into the second division. This by far has contributed to the promotion of the game as it brings stiff competition amongst players. Results of such competition can be very influential if they can be aired weekly, we therefore ask you our distinguished members of the press to consider airing such results. We applaud MIJ radio for having already done the same we rely appreciate for the job well done. Conclusion Finally May I on behalf of ADMA thank you, our members of the press for honouring our invitation we are not taking for granted and also applaud the president and his entire executive for the initiative they are taking to promote the game. Lets join hands in order to take the game to a higher level


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