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AIM: To develop a MATLAB M-file program to form the bus admittance matrix Y of a power system. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: MATLAB (7.0.1)

THEORY: Y-Bus matrix is often used in solving load flow problem. It has gained widespread application owing to its simplicity of data preparation & the ease with which the bus admittance matrix can be formed & modified for network changes of course, sparsity is one of the greatest advantage as it really reduces computer memory& time requirements. In short circuit analysis, the generator & transformer impedance must also be taken into account. In contingency analysis, the shunt element one neglected, while forming the Z-Bus matrix, which is used to compute the outage distribution factors. The impedance matrix is a full matrix & is most useful for short circuit analysis. The admittance Y-11, Y-12 Y-1n are called the self admittance of the nodes & all the admittance are called the mutual admittances of the nodes.

ALGORITHM: Step1: Read the values of no of buses & the no of lines of the given system. Step2: Read the self-admittance of each bus & the mutual admittance between the buses. Step3: Calculate the diagonal element term called the bus driving point admittance,Y-ii which is the sum of admittance connected to bus i to j. Step4: The off-diagonal term called the transfer admittance, Y-ij which is the negative of the admittance connected from bus i to bus j. Step5: Check for the end of bus count & print the computed Y-Bus matrix. Step6: Stop the program & print the result FLOWCHART:

APPLICTION & ADVANTAGES 1. Y Bus matrix is used in power flow studies 2. data preparation is simple and its formation and modification is also easy 3.since bus admittance matrix is sparse matrix , the computer memory requirements are less and the no. of computation required also less RESULT: Thus , the 'matlab' program has been written to form the bus admittance matrix "Y" of given power network

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