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PAST PERFECT TRUE OR FALSE. Read each numbered sentence.

Write T ( True) or F (false) for the statements that follow.


When I got home, The Oprah Winfrey show started. __________ First the Oprah show started . then I got home. Whn I gt home, ..The Oprah Winfrey Show,'had started. __________First the Oprah show started. Then I got home. Oprah's guest had lost 100 pounds when she interviewed him. __________The guest lost the weight before the interview. By the end of the show I had fallen asleep. __________I fell asleep aftr the show. When I went to bed, I had turned off the radio. __________ I turnd off the radio after I went to bed. By midnight, I had finishd the magazine artile. __________ I finished the artil before midnight.






COMPLETE: look at some important events in Oprah Winfrey`s career. Then complete the sentences below. Use the past perfect with already or not yet.

Was born

Gave first speech

Got first radio job.

Got first TV job

Hosted talk show

Was In her first major movie

Got on showThe Oprah W. Show

Built her own studio

Starred in the film Beloved











By 1958 Oprah

had alread given

her first speech

2. By 1-971 she _____________________________________ her first TV job 3. By 1972 she 4. B 1972 she 5. By 1985 she 6. By 1986 she 7. By 1987 she 8. By 2000 she
_____________________________________ her first radio job. _____________________________________ in a major movie _____________________________________ her own TV show. _____________________________________ in a major movie _____________________________________ her own studio. _____________________________________ in the film beloved.

ASK & ANSWER. Look at this typical daily schedule for a TV talk-show host. Complete the questions about his schedule. Use the past perfect and give short answers.
7:00 a.m. Arrive at studio 8:00 Review days`s schedule 11:00 Discuss future shows with assistant producers 2:00 p.m. hair and makeup 2:30 Meet the day`s 3:00 Tape the show 4:30 Work out with trainer.

1. It was 7:45. The host Was on shedule A: Had he arrived at the studio yet ? 2. At 7:30 the host was at his desk. A:_________________________________ the day`s schedule yet ? 3. At 10:55 he was having offee A: _________________________________ the schedule by that time? B:___________ 4. It was 2:00. He was on his way to makeup A: _________________________________ the day`s guests by then ? B:___________ 5. At 4:00 he had a late lunh 6. A: _________________________________ the show yet ? B:___________ B: Yes, he had

7. He went to bed at 10:30.

A: _________________________________ with his trainer that day ? B:___________

EDIT. Read this student`s report. There are six mistakes in the use of the past perfect. Find and correct them. The first mistake is already corrected.
Opah Winfrey is an amazing person! By the time she was twelve, she hs already deided on a areer. Not long aftrward, she got her first radio job. Althouh she hadn't have any xperine, she beam a nws repote. When she got her owm TV talk show she has already ated in a major Holliwood movie. By the late 1980s .Oprah Winfrey'' had beam a houshold wod. Then in 1994 she didd to improve the quality of talk-show thmes. She also made a personal hange. Sh had always had a wight problem, but in 1995 TV viewers saw a new Winfry. She had losd almost ninty pounds as a result of dieting and working out. She had also ompete in a marathon. She has rea1l.y been an inspiration to many pople.


PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE MATCH. Each result has a cause. Match the result with the correct cause.
Result ___B____ 1. She was out of breath ________ 2. The ground was wet ________ 3. Hr eyes wre red. ________ 4. Thre Was an open bok on the ouh ________ 5. Ther were empty ans on the floor ________ 6. The TV was on Cause a. He had been reading b. She had ben running C. They had been wathing the rae d. She had been rying. e. It had been raining f. They had been drinking soda

COMPLETE. Read this story from a magazine article. Complete it with the past perfect progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. MARATHON RUNNING

On October 23rd, I ran the Boston Marathon with a partner, Marcia Davis. We (1. train) had been training since last year, and we (2. Plan)__________________________ to enter the race ever since we saw Oprah in the Washington Marathon. The start of the race was dramatic. Up to that point, we (3. joke and laugh)____________________________ but w wr vry srious whn we lined up . I was so nervous I couldn`t breathe. Marcia and I(4. practice)__

____________________________ on those same streets for a couple of weeks, so at the beginning we did well. By the time we got to the Heartbreak Hill, we

(5. Run)____________________________ for almost four hours, and I already believed we could finish. Then, halfway up the hill, Marcia stopped. She just couldn`t run anymore. We (6. Look forward)__________________________ to this race for so long that I didn`t want to go on alone, but Marcia wanted me to finish. When I got to the finish line, I saw Marcia. She ( 7. Wait)____________________________ for me for three hours. First we cried . then we started talking about next year`s marathon.

CHOOSE AND COMPLETE. The magazine`s runner`s World ( RW) is interviewing marathon winner Paolo Esposito( PE). Complete the interview with the past perfect progressive form of the correct verbs from the box. Use short answers where appropriate.
Date expect live practice run

RW: You just won the marathon. Had you been practicing long for it? PE: _Yes I had__________________ For mor than five years. First in Madrid, then in Rome.

R.W.: You tripped during the rae. How lng ___________________________________ whn that happened? P.E. It was in the last hour. Lukily it didn`t keep me from winning. R.W.: I understand that you reently married your trainer Emilia Leal. How long

___________________________________ eah other when you deidd to get married?

P.E.: About six months. W met in Rome and knew right away that we wantd to be togethr. R.W:___________________________________ in Rome for a long time whn you met? PE:___________________________________ In fat, I had just moved there. When you rossed the finish line you looked verv alm. ___________________________________ to win? PE: ___________________________________ ! I was really surprised. And very happy.

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