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October 16, 2012 r

Bach hmann Rema ains Vu ulnerab ble

Status of the Contest for U.S. Congres s C f C ss
To: Interested Parties d

rg From: Greenber Quinlan Rosner Research

Polling1 in Minnesota 6th Distric shows that Congressw as ct woman Mich hele Bachma remains ann vulnerable, with supp below 50 percent fo the third st port or traight surve Business ey. sman Jim Graves continues to run neck an neck with Bachmann; he garners 45 percent of the vote w c nd ; while Bachman receives 47 percent support, with 7 percent r nn s h remain unde ecided. Figu 1: Congressional Vo June, Au ure ote, ugust, and O October 2012

Bachman continues to struggle with the cru nn s ucial Indepen ndent bloc o voters. Ind of dependent voters ha moved dramatically toward Grav as he ha introduce himself to voters in the ave d ves as ed e district, and Jim Grav now hold a 17-poin advantage 53 36 pe a ves ds nt e, ercent, amon this key ng group. Voters in Minnesotas 6th District are ready to defeat Mic n o chele Bachm mann this No ovember, and Jim d Graves continues to draw new supporters as voters get to know him and his rec c s m cord of looking out for Minnesotas middle class. M m

This mem is based on a survey of 403 likely November 201 general ele mo o o N 12 ection voters. Calling took place October 3-4, 2012. Th 3 hese data are subject to a sampling erro of 4.9 perc s or centage point ts.
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