Subtraction Strategies That Lead To Regrouping

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Winning the

Arm your students for victory in the age-old battle to master subtraction with regrouping.
raditionally, the first mathematical task for primary grade students to master is addition. We love addition; it sounds so successful. We gain, we increase, and we growwe add. Mastering addition facts is truly a positive experience. Then we turn to subtraction. We lose, we decrease, and we take awaywe subtract. It sounds so negative. Addition is the golden child; subtraction is the ugly stepsister. After mastering addition facts, many students think that subtraction facts are a whole new set of facts to learn that have nothing to do with addition facts. They do not see that the subtraction facts are the inverse of addition facts, which we hope they have already learned. The gap between addition and subtraction success further increases with multidigit computation. Some students are quick to embrace carrying, but others are reluctant to warm up to regrouping. When I asked my niece, Paige, who is a third grader, to compare the two, she said, I like adding better than subtracting. Adding is more easier. Subtraction seems a little harder. Most students seem to quickly conquer addition with carrying, but for some students, subtraction with regrouping is more like the Hundred Years War. Mastering regrouping is difficult because you must do so much before you even begin to subtract. There is also the temptation to just subtract the



August 2011 teaching children mathematics

Copyright 2011 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed electronically or in any other format without written permission from NCTM.


Years War

By Luann Voza

teaching children mathematics August 2011


Pretending to be digits in subtraction problems can help students understand that regrouping is like having a digit ask for help.

smaller digit from the larger digit, even if the smaller digit is on the top. Although multidigit subtraction with regrouping is considered a second- or third-grade skill, many students have yet to master this skill by fourth grade and sometimes fifth grade. As a fourth- and fifth-grade math teacher, I find that every year almost half my students still have difficulty subtracting with regrouping. When asked, many teachers agree that fourth-grade students often start the year with more computation errors in subtraction compared with addition. Common opinion places the blame on the expansion of core content standards. As concepts and skills expand to include geometry, patterns, algebra, and data analysis, less time is being spent at every grade level learning number sense in computation. According to Cavanaugh (2009), teachers spend only one-third of their mathematics lessons on number skills. Current research indicates that performance on single-digit arithmetic has been used to define math disabilities (MD) (Raghubar et al. 2009). More research is needed to determine the role of multidigit arithmetic performance in children with MD. Even students with significant difficulties demonstrate higher achievement

levels in adding compared with subtracting.

Solutions for subtraction success

Computational fluency in math has been likened to decoding skills in reading. Both are necessary for comprehension and higher-order thinking (Calhoon et al. 2007). Because instruction today will no doubt influence how students learn tomorrow, mastery in mathematics extends beyond the classroom, as a subject skill, into the world, as a life skill (NCTM 2000). It is up to math teachers to foster the development of these skills.

Start with number sense

Students must understand that although an addition problem combines parts to find a total amount, a subtraction problem starts with the total amount and takes part of the total away. Research has shown that early instruction in number sense, as early as in kindergarten, prevents fluency difficulties in second and third graders (Locuniak and Jordan 2008). A lack of understanding of the concepts of addition and subtraction was determined to be a predictive factor in math learning disabilities. Teachers should be careful not to make such absolute statements as, You can never subtract a larger number from a smaller number. This may cause confusion later, when negative numbers are introduced.

Work from concrete to abstract

Introduce addition and subtraction with the use of concrete objects or manipulatives that can be counted and used for modeling the operations. Modeling addition as combining groups reinforces the concept that adding, or combining groups, increases the total number. Subtraction can then be modeled as starting with the total amount and removing part of the total, which will decrease the outcome of the operation. A number line is another tool that assists with addition and subtraction instruction. A number line provides a visual representation of addition. By starting with one value and adding another value, students can count on the number line and see how addition will increase the total value. The number line is particularly helpful in modeling subtraction (see fig. 1). Many subtraction problems ask, What is the difference between two values? Students can plot the two values on the number line and, by counting the


August 2011 teaching children mathematics


Use fact families

To reinforce number combinations, using fact families helps students see the relationship between addition and subtraction. The total value of the addition fact is the same number that starts the subtraction fact:

Figu r e 1

numbers between, can determine the difference between the two. This is a visual representation of the difference between two numbers, which is a difficult concept for some students to grasp.

Number lines provide visual representations of addition and of the difference between two numbers (subtraction), which is a difficult concept for some students to grasp.
Find the difference between 16 and 9 by using the number line.

The 14 ends the addition problem and starts the subtraction problem. The 6 starts the addition problem and ends the subtraction problem. Students should continue to see the same numbers in different contexts so they can recognize that solving one kind of problem is related to solving another kind (NCTM 2000). Learning fact families enhances instruction in additionsubtraction combinations, which can help in improving retrieval skills that are necessary for achieving fluency (Bryant et al. 2008a).

Vary the unknowns placement

To build problem-solving skills, use addition facts with a missing addend to introduce subtraction: 7 + x = 16. Students need to see that subtraction can be used to find the missing addend. This relates back to using fact families as an instructional strategy. Many students can quickly solve this problem, thinking that they did not subtract; they just knew the answer. Using larger numbers that cannot be quickly computed will help reinforce that subtraction is used to solve problems with missing addends. Students will gain valuable experience solving equations in which the unknown quantity is in the middle of the problem rather than at the end. This type of skill development serves as a precursor to algebraic thinking in the middle and secondary grades. It is never too early to get students to begin thinking algebraically. the number has been renamed to allow a larger digit to be subtracted. In the problem 63 35, the value of 63 starts out as 6 tens and 3 units. To subtract 35, the number is renamed as 5 tens and 13 units. To reinforce the concept of renaming, students must have an understanding of the base-ten system. According to Raghubar and her colleagues (2009), specific understanding of the base-ten system should be an instructional focus. Students need to understand that representations of tens and units are interchangeable (NCTM 2000). Base-ten pieces can help students learn to group tens and units in different ways (see fig. 2). When reviewing renaming skills with my fourth graders, I stumbled on an interesting instructional strategy. While regrouping to solve the problem 72 48, I showed the number 72 regrouped as 6 tens and 12 units. When I asked a student, Michael L. to state the value of the regrouped 72, he quickly responded, Sixty-twelve. His reply was met with several chuckles from his classmates. Instead of dismissing his answer, I realized that he was absolutely correct. I began
teaching children mathematics August 2011

Reinforce place-value concepts

Students with regrouping difficulties typically do not understand the concept of place value (Flores 2009). Many students see regrouping as changing the value of the top number (minuend). They need to see that the value is the same;

Figure 2

6 + 8 = 14

14 8 = 6

As students learn that representations of tens and ones are interchangeable, base-ten pieces can help them group tens and ones in different ways.


to use the strategy of renaming numbers this way as an instructional method of reinforcing place value. Students laugh at the silliness of how the number sounds, but sometimes silly works.

Money is motivating
Subtraction as spending would delight the math reformists who stress real-world applications of math for increased student motivation. Kids love to spend (their parents) money. Pair subtraction with spending, and you will have meaningful math lessons. Modeling subtraction by starting with a set amount of money and then spending part of that amount is an opportunity to reinforce subtraction skills. Using problems in which regrouping dollars to dimes and dimes to pennies are needed to determine the amount of money left over can advance this strategy. Regrouping from zeroes is another area that students struggle to master. They should be able to explain how to make change so they can subtract (see fig. 3).

DemiD BOrODiN/iStOckPhOtO.cOm

sitting in two rows, three digits in the top row and three below. Ask them which one of them needs help. The student who is the number 3 should be the one to answer. You might also ask students in the audience to identify who needs help. Another approach is to distribute base-ten pieces to the students so they can model the actual regrouping to complete the problem. The student with the 3 tens must ask the student with the 5 hundreds for 10 tens to subtract 4 tens. You might extend this activity to assist English language learners who can actually substitute their native language word for help. All students can then learn various translations of the word help, making the activity even more enjoyable.

With instruction, timing is everything

Mastering facts is essential to computational literacy, but drill and kill should not take the place of conceptual understanding (Flores 2009). Perhaps we should rethink our instructional timeline. Are we too quick to get to fact mastery without taking the time needed for effective instruction in conceptual understanding? We drill the basic facts, forcing students to commit numbers to memory. Then we stress the key words to help in problem solving (How many altogether? means to add. How many more? means to subtract). However, if we ask students to create a story problem that uses addition or subtraction as an operation, can they do so? Instead of giving them dozens of problems, why not assess their conceptual understanding by asking them to give us a problem? If a student cannot do that, then it is too early to drill facts.

Regrouping? Help!
Before regrouping, students must identify when and where regrouping is necessary. Many students believe that once they have been taught regrouping, then they must use regrouping to solve every subtraction problem. Not all digits will have to be regrouped, we promise. Identifying regrouping needs is like asking for help. Students enjoy pretending to be the digits in a subtraction problem and being asked, Who needs help? Show students this problem: 537 246 Assign six students a digit from the problem. Have them physically become the problem by

Go beyond the book

Especially for the novice teacher, mathematics textbooks play a major role in core instruction. Although this statement is true for all grades, it plays a pivotal role in the primary grades. Textbooks may need to be examined and evaluated for their instructional effectiveness. In a study by Bryant and his colleagues (2008a), some primary grade textbooks were found to lack the critical features of effective instruction. Many books focused on rote mastery of arithmetic knowledge, concentrating on algorithm mastery with or without conceptual understanding (Woodward and Montague 2002). Adaptations and supplemental resources may be needed to assure conceptual understanding. Does


Fig ure 3

When students struggle to master regrouping from zeroes, have them explain how to make change so they can subtract, as in this problem.

August 2011 teaching children mathematics

the book look more like a reading book than a math book? Traditional textbooks have limited text, limited graphics and images, and dozens of problems. Does that look enjoyable to you? Such an approach emphasizes problem after problem, with limited understanding. Students will tolerate it through the first chapter, which is usually addition. After that, motivation is gone, and boredom sets injust in time for subtraction. If the textbook is less than enjoyable, teachers ought to search for motivating teaching strategies. Enjoyable teaching websites can be accessed through computers, SMART Boards, and Promethean boards. Many websites feature video presentations that can introduce or reinforce math concepts. The Math Playground website has an instructional math video titled How Do You Subtract by Regrouping? that students enjoy watching as they reinforce concepts and skills.

Identify common errors

Recognizing the types of errors is crucial to developing effective, efficient reteaching strategies. Two common errors are (1) subtracting smaller from larger numbers regardless of placement, and (2) regrouping from a zero digit (Riccomini 2005). Teachers who do not identify these errors tend to assume that the errors are due to problems in recalling facts. This assumption leads to more fact drill activities, which can be demotivating and discouraging to students who may have already mastered this skill. Reteaching strategies should focus on where errors are occurring. It has been eleven years since the publication of Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM 2000), often considered the driving force behind the reform in mathematics instruction. The core of the reform is the emphasis on developing students ability to think about mathematics, not just do it (Woodward and Montague 2002). Effective school mathematics instruction should not only build a foundation of number sense and conceptual understanding but should also promote positive, enjoyable experiences that prepare students for future study and future applications.

in the Primary Grades: the critical Features of instruction in textbooks as Part of the equation. Learning Disabilities Quarterly 31 (1): 2136. Bryant, Diane Pedrotty, Brian r. Bryant, russell m. Gersten, Nancy N. Scammacca, catherine Funk, Amanda Winter, minyi Shih, and cathy Pool. 2008. the effects of tier 2 intervention on the mathematics Performance of First-Grade Students Who Are at risk for mathematics Difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly 31 (2): 4764. calhoon, mary Beth, robert Wall emerson, margaret Flores, and David e. houchins. 2007. computational Fluency Performance Profile of high School Students with mathematical Disabilities. Remedial and Special Education 28 (5): 292304. cavanaugh, Sean. 2009. Standards help minnesota Vie with top Nations Education Week 28 (18): 14. Flores, margaret m. 2009. teaching Subtraction with regrouping to Students experiencing Difficulty in mathematics. Preventing School Failure 53 (3): 14553. Locuniak, maria N., and Nancy c. Jordan. 2008. Using kindergarten Number Sense to Predict calculation Fluency in Second Grade. Journal of Learning Disabilities 41 (5): 45160. National council of teachers of mathematics (Nctm). 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. reston, VA: Nctm. raghubar, kimberly, Paul cirino, marcia Barnes, Linda ewing-cobbs, Jack Fletcher, and Lynn Fuchs. 2009. errors in multi-Digit Arithmetic and Behavior inattention in children with math Difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities 42 (4): 35671. riccomini, Paul. 2005. identification and remediation of Systemic error Patterns in Subtraction. Learning Disability Quarterly 28 (3): 23343. Woodward, John, and marjorie montague. 2002. meeting the challenge of mathematics reform for Students with LD. The Journal of Special Education 36 (2): 89102.
Luann Voza,, teaches fourth- and fifth-grade mathematics at Lincoln School in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. She is interested in numerical reasoning and thinking and has researched gender differences in math. teaching children mathematics August 2011

Bryant, Brian r., Diane Pedrotty Bryant, caroline kethley, Sun A. kim, cathy Pool, and You-Jin Seo. 2008. Preventing mathematics Difficulties


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