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Domain of Death, Death Knell CD power, pretty awesome, D-Power Book Silver Shadow Daily

Name: Shylock Aderian Age: 19 Level/XP: 1 (200/1000XP) Race: Elf Class: Avenger Height and Weight: 5'6 and 140lbs Alignment and Deity: Neutral Good and The Raven Queen Initiative: +3 Defences: AC: 10 Reflex: 14 Fortitude: 11 Will: 15 Speed: 7 Ability Scores: Strength: 10 Dexterity: 16 Constitution: 8 Intelligence: 15 Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 10 Senses: Low-Light Hit Points: 22

Bloodied: 11 Action Points: 1 Race Features: Proficency with Longbow and Shortbow, Feyborn, grant non-elf allies within 5 squares a +1 perception bonus, ignore difficult terrain, Elven Accuracy Bonus to Atk Rolls: Trained Skills: Religion Acrobatics Perception Stealth Skills Acrobatics - 8 Arcana - 2 Athletics - 0 Bluff - 0 Diplomacy - 0 Dungeoneering - 4 Endurance - -2 Heal - 4 History - 2 Insight - 4 Intimidate - 0

Nature - 6 Perception - 11 Religion - 7 Stealth - 8 Streetwise - 0 Thievery - 3 Class Features: Channel Divinity, Censure of Pursuit - when Oath of Enmity target moves away willingly I gain a 2+Dex bonus on next dmg roll. Known Languages: Common, Elven Feats: Invigorating Pursuit - +2 AC and +2 Dmg rolls when I have charged my oath of enmity target until the end of next turn Powers: Bond of Pursuit(At-Will) Bond of Retribution(At-Will) Elven Accuracy(Encounter) Oath of Enmity(Encounter) Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead(Encounter) Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance(Encounter) Whirlwind Charge(Encounter) Argent Mantle(Daily) Equipment: Clothes Rituals:

Inventory: - Spidery Sword: A short sword that gives +1 to reflex due to it's light weight. - Spider Skin Shield: A light shield that gives Poison resistance [3] Appearance: Reputation: +1 With Londar

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