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Sunday, December 2nd at 12:00 pm

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Clarita Valley

A presentation by and discussion with UU Peace Activist, Inge Kuenkler-Etzbach, whose latest book (In the Land of Milk of Honey) explores what proponents of Zionism call: The Palestinian Problem.
This is the product of an extraordinary and life-long obsession: my deep sorrow for the pain caused by the Holocaust; my compassion for its victims, Jewish and Palestinian, and my desire to understand the complex issues at work. I believe reason and compassion are needed, balancing individual lives and longings with those of others. In this I am influenced by the prophetic words of those who try to find ways to heal the wounds of their country and its inhabitants.




A limited number of books have been donated to UUofSCV and are available for a discounted price of $10. (They are also carried by

12:00 PM

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