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Year 2

Final Semester Exam

Question 1 to 5. Read the passage and circle the correct answer.

There was once a man named Burt. He had a horse named Torsy. Torsy was a strong horse. One night, there was a storm. Suddenly, all the lights went out. Burt took his torch. He went to the porch. He looked for Torsy. Torsy was not there. Burt looked everywhere. He went to the port. He went to the fort. He saw Torsy in a pit at the fort. Torsy was badly hurt.

1. What is the mans name? A. B. C. D. Burt Hurt Torsy Porch

5. How was the weather? A. B. C. D. Sunny Cloudy Windy Stormy

2. Who is Torsy? A. B. C. D. A dog A cat A horse A hen

3. Torsy was a A. B. C. D. weak horse strong horse happy horse sad horse

4. What did Burt see at the fort? A. B. C. D. He saw Torsy in a pit He saw Torsy running around happily He saw Torsy dancing He saw Torsy sleeping


Year 2

Final Semester Exam

Question 6 to 9. Circle the correct answer.

6. Ali is a ___________ A. B. C. teacher postman doctor

7. Miss Tan work as a ____________ A. B. C. policeman nurse teacher

8. Soloman like to help others. He is a _____ A. B. C. postman housewife doctor

9. Azman is a ______________ A. B. C. singer dancer policeman


Year 2

Final Semester Exam

Question 10 to 14. Read the passage and circle the correct answer. This ___10___ Lina. Lina is eight years __11__. She likes reading. She __12__ books everyday. Linas best friend is Ali. Ali is a __13__. Ali likes playing football. He play football at the school __14__.


A. is B. are C. the A. month B. all C. old A. watch B. read C. play A. girl B. boy C. cat A. canteen B. field C. classroom






Year 2

Final Semester Exam

Question 15 to 20. Look at the picture and circle the correct answer.


A. Cat B. Kitten C. Dog


A. Duckling B. Chicks C. Kitten


A. Hen B. Chick C. Kid


A. Kid B. Duckling C. Calf


A. Cow B. Sheep C. Chicken


A. Duck B. Cow C. Chicken

Base on the ticket below, answer questions 21 to 24.


Little Red Riding Hood

Time: 1:00 p.m Date: 29th September 2012 Place: School Hall



What is the title of the show? _____________________________________


What time is the show? _____________________________________

English 23. When is the show?

Year 2

Final Semester Exam

____________________________________ 24. Where will the show be held? ____________________________________

Question 25 to 30. Read the passage given and fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Brave Yazid There were two boys named Yazid and Navin. They were good friends. Yazids right leg was shorter than his left leg. He used crutches to help him walk. He walked slowly. One day after school, the two boys were crossing an old wooden bridge. Suddenly, Navin slipped and fell into the river. He could not swim. Yazid held out a crutch to Navin. Navin held the crutch tightly. Yazid then pulled Navin out of the water. Navin thanked Yazid for saving his life.

Yazid and Navin were (25)____________________ ( friends / brothers) Yazid used (26)_____________________ (sticks / crutches) to walk. One day, Navin fell into a (27)______________________ (drain/river) when he was crossing a (28) ___________ (bridge / road). He could not (29)________________ (swim /walk). Yazid used a (30)________________ (crutch / rope) to pull Navin out of the water.

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