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Board of Selectmen Public Works Building Committee - Additional Site Evaluation

As requested by the Board of Selectmen, the Public Works Building Committee has done an initial scan of the requested sites. The results of the fatal flaws analysis and preliminary screening performed by our consultant, Weston & Sampson is as follows: Site Evaluated Subtotal Score Without Acquisition Cost Factored In 53 50 47 40 Total Score With Acquisition Costs Factored In 74 56 53 43 Ranking

Town Owned Tabor Site 20 Elm Street, Cherry Hill Glass 777 East Main Street, Bittersweet Farms 137 No. Branford Road, Existing PW Temp. Site

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In all cases, the preliminary screening ranked the Town owned Tabor Site highest. Incorporating acquisition cost into the evaluation, the Tabor site moves far above the other sites. The screening performed was preliminary, but is consistent with the previous more detailed screenings performed on other sites. The costs of lost tax revenue have not been included in the preliminary screening. The Board of Selectmen may wish to direct the Committee based upon the preliminary screening rankings. Should the Board of Selectmen wish a more detailed evaluation of the sites, we will require an additional budget of $30,000 to perform the detailed evaluation. Additionally, we need some assistance and direction as to what budget the Committee should use for the project. When the Tabor site was previously recommended, we included several off-site improvements in the program. It became evident from the public information meeting and also the RTM meetings that those improvements are desirable whether or not a Public Works Facility is constructed on the Tabor Drive parcel. We would therefore remove the costs of offsite improvements from the Tabor Drive Site cost estimates. Based upon the information available, we recommend a budget of $7.5 - $9 million. Finally, we would propose that an authorization of funds for the design phase of the facility be appropriated now, regardless of which site is ultimately selected. We request a design budget of $325,000 be appropriated. We will be happy to review our requests with the Board of Selectmen.

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