Love Not

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Love Not

Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa

Beware who loves you Too easily romancing stars approaching Pretensions masquerading as true love And in whose arms passions engulfs your being Blinding your mind of truthfulness Causing your heart to hurt ! Beware who adores you Vanity creeping upon your shy soul Insanities brewing in secret rooms of malicious minds And in whose sweet kisses hearts are buried alive Like a guardian angel who deceives you Then, in whom can I ever believe again ! Beware who beguiles you with those alluring eyes As I once or twice or thrice did fell in love ! As it destroyed me; heartlessly; I me falling from grace ! And this life is not what is seems ! Nor those kisses; nor those hugs; nor those dreams; therefore; I beseech you my dear friend, Love not ! ! ! But, rather, love the one who loves you not ! The one who rejects your romancing The one who is not free to love you Aspire to love the one who abhors you Showering her with poems of love; dreams that cannot come true Promise her not, but, conquer worlds for her !

Romance an impossible love here on earth; with your mind; These are your true worlds in creation by loving her Beyond compare ! Drop by drop of love her heart of stone shall crack Then breaking with just one kiss upon her lips; Bringing her to loves sentimental knees And then she shall understand A fervent love has landed upon her world Revealing all the falseness she once thought was love Word by word, Verse by verse, Poem by poem, Her world shall crumble And love not She will love not, but, me ! ! !
Love Not Part I Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa XIII OCTOBER MMXII Long Island, New York

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