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DEPARTMENT OF ECE LABORATORY PLAN Subject Code : EC2405 Subject: OPTICAL AND MICROWAVE LAB Year : IV ECE A Faculty Name: Mr.M.Sathish Date of Experiment S.No (Batch I & II) 1 Week 1 2 Week 2 3 Week 3 4 Week 4 5 Week 5 6 Week 6 7 Week 7 8 Week 8 9 Week 9 10 Week 10 11 Week 11 12 Week 12 13 Week 13 14 15 Week 14 Week 15 Remarks

Name of the Experiments

Fiber Optic Analog and Digital Link Numerical Aperture Determination for Fibers Measurement of Connector and Bending Losses DC characteristics of LED and PIN Photo Diode . Mode Characteristics of Fibers Attenuation Measurement in Fibers . Gunn Diode Characteristics VSWR, Frequency and Wave Length Measurement Reflex Klystron Mode characteristic Radiation Pattern of Antennas Antenna Gain Measurement Isolator and Circulator S - parameter measurement S - matrix Characterization of E-Plane T, H-Plane T and Magic T Directional Coupler Directivity and Coupling Coefficient S parameter measurement Attenuation and Power measurement 6.

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