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Lighting: High-key lighting Costume : Pulaus t-shirt costume, and simple shirt Camera : The character bit side.

Space: mood to viwer that charcter focusing object ; the owner of antique helicopter

Lighting: High-key lighting, front Costume : Simple shirt Prop : Back-pack Camera : The character bit side. Space: mood to viwer that; character is look on the uniqe view

Lighting: High-key lighting, back Costume : hunter shirt with hat Prop : the blade or knife Camera : Centre. Effect : Smoke Space: mood that; known person appear as like hero.

Lighting: High-key lighting, side Costume : Pulaus t-shirt costume, and simple shirt Camera : Up the character . Space: mood to viwer; shows something below them, the part of mysteries in this movies. Background : Historical Building

Lighting: low-key ligthing, back Costume : simple shirt Camera : The character bit side. Space: mood to viwer; the character his look something behind. Backgorund : Cave

Lighting: High-key lighting, up Costume : simple shirt Camera : down. Effect : sun reflection, blurr Space: mood to viewer; how high that hill

Lighting: High-key lighting Costume : simple shirt, hunter shirt Camera : centre. Effect : smokes Space: mood to; shows the motion of the character Backgorund: Forest

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