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Analysis of our own Movie (Binary opposites)

In my group, there were four of us Me, Isha, Abdi and Johnny. Together we produced an amateur movie called Detention. At first we had to create a story board, so that we try to follow the shots types and make the movie more structured. We used me and Abdi as models, but Isha and Abdi to make the movie, so that everyone was included. We used a variety of shots so that we could make our film more complex. The first shot we used was an establishing shot so that we can show the audience the scene in which everything is taking place, this case it is Haydon School. The establishing shot is of Abdi and Isha walking up to each other and meeting, then it cuts and we a see point of view shot of both of them. Isha is looked down upon as she is innocent and subordinate compared to Abdi. Abdi is looked upon as he is powerful and intimidating, we can easily tell that Abdi holds the power in this relationship. The camera tilts up and down as both characters are examining each other. Then there is a cut to the scene inside the school to a wide shot where we see Abdi and Isha making their way inside school to their detention, Abdi is quite hostile and aggressive the way he walks, he pushes past a younger kid and we see Isha running from behind to help. We see Isha as caring and considerate, as she helps the small kid up, we see two shots meeting and this is an example of matched action. Abdi carries on walking this shows he is uncaring and hard-hearted unlike Isha who helps him up.

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