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Pinhole photography

By Brandon Hoey

Why does the image inside a pin hole camera always appear upside down? The sharpness of the image inside a pinhole camera depends on what? What does exposure time mean? What does the term over exposed mean? What does the term under exposed mean? What do all cameras need to record an image? (2 answers) What does the term aperture mean?

1)because its going in a straight line. 2)The aperture, the distance of the object and the brightness of the object. 3) the total amount of light that reaches the light sensitive paper. 4) when to much light is let in. 5)when not enough light is let in. 6)light.

Lid to block out light.

The shutter and underneath the pinhole to let just enough light in Gaffa tape to secure everything

Pringles tube

My Attempts

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