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Kortenaerkade 11 / P.O.

Box 29777
2502 LT The Hague / The Netherlands
+31 (0)70 426 02 60
Netherlands organization
for international cooperation
in higher education
Contact Your reference Our reference Date
NFP-SC.11/ 13170 19 January 2012
Dear Ms Shrestha,
Tahachal, Ward #13, Shrestha Colony, House #41
Ms SOVITA Shrestha
Subject: NFP Short Course 2011
Fellowship Application deadline 1 October 2011
Congratulations. You have been selected for an NFP fellowship for 'Water Treatment
Processes and Plants' at UNESCO-HE nstitute for Water Education. Nuffic will award a
grant to UNESCO-HE nstitute for Water Education to finance your fellowship. The
institution will administer your fellowship and contact you about further procedures regarding
the NFP fellowship.
The fellowship is subject to the NFP Rules and Regulations which you accepted when
applying for this fellowship. You can find the NFP Rules and Regulations on our website We also advise you to read the 'information for selected candidates'
available on
We wish you good luck with the course or programme and trust that you will use the
knowledge and skills gained for the benefit of your employing organization and country.
Kind regards,
A.G. Moesman
Head of Scholarship Programmes Department
+31(0)70 426 01 67
Selection letter
This document was prepared with due care. However, in the interest of speeding up the proces it has
not been signed.
A written objection can be filed with the Director-General of Nuffic (PO Box 29777, 2502 LT The Hague)
within six weeks of the date on which the present document was sent. As required under the General
Administrative Law Act (Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht), the objection must be signed and must include
at least the following: the name and address of the person submitting the objection, the date, a
description of the decision or document that is the subject of the objection, and the reasons for the
objection. If possible, a copy of the decision or document should be attached.

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