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Value System VS Profits

Srishti Agarwal E-02 Rohan Kalia E-23 Anurag Mishra E-31 Adarsh S. Nair E-33 Moksha Nair E-34 Aakash Shah E-47 Aparna Singh E-51 Bhavna Sri E-53

Primary Purpose of Business

Profit maximization is the primary purpose of any business Supplemented with need for: Growth Survival

Social responsibility comes at the end

Rationale Behind Ignoring Social Responsibility

Business fails to maximize profits Defeats the very purpose of existence of a business

Arguments Against Social Responsibility

Cost of CSR carried over to customers Increase in prices of G&S Being carried out just to avoid Govt. interventions Contradicts with primary goal of earning profits

Depleting Trust
Scams like Satyam Computers and Citibank scams depleting trust Effecting goodwill of the firm as well as the whole industry

Striking a Balance
Striking a balance between social responsibility and profit making need of the hour Tata and Wipro- companies successful in doing the same Tata Trust, Sir Dorabji Trust and Tata Memorial Hospital are examples of CSR by Tata along with earning huge profits


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