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Dr HW Lindeque MBChB(UFS) MMed ( O&G )UFS FCOG( SA )

Dipl. Fin Markets ( AFM )

Psychology of Trading

Heyneke Meyer: You dont get bad conditions You only get soft people !!!!!! Roger Hamilton: Risk is in the pilot, not the plain R.I.S.K: Response on Insufficient and Summary Knowledge People make money, not systems/programs/computers Risk is in the decision maker The risk is in the trader, not the trading (Noise trading)

Trader: Decision/Act/Execute/Tough/Discipline

1) Desire - Think (thought / Energy) Action - React (motion) (emotion / feelings) Monitor - Evaluate / Change / Adapt / Discipline / habits 2) What personality group? Meyers Briggs Goldberg 5 Wealth Entrepreneur 3) How does the brain work? 4) Why do we do what we do? 5) Why do we react the way we do? 6) How do we form (set) goals , discipline, habits? 7)Why are we happy / unhappy? 8) Why do we trade / interpret a chart/ buy/ sell/ trading habits? 9) How can we change brain function?



Expectations are the enemy of happiness

(Mike Koenings)

Psychological GAP


Know yourself !

Think It Do it

Ink It Review It

5 Attitudes:

5 Actions:



Pos expectancy
Self image Self control Self esteem Self awareness

Self motivation
Self direction Self discipline Self dimension Self projection


A burning desire is the perfect antidote for fear and despair

goal plan program campaign project

Life Is A Do It To Yourself Program

Demonstration of IOM Biofeedback System

Self discipline is paying the price of wining

Doing within when you are without (Mental Simulation)

Winners are aware how little they know Aware of unlimited potential and possibilities Aware of abundance (not lack) BRAIN (Neuroplasticity)

Spirit Physical Abundance (Magnificent machine) What BLOCK do you have in your life? Narrow minded / low self esteem / poor attitudes / laziness / fear / risk / play victim / sorry for yourself / blame

How to use the qualities of winning in your trading

1) Autonomy

2) Mastery

3) Purpose

Third Attitude - Self Motivation
Never Use Negative Motivation Example of Negative Motivation

High Way to Hell River Plate Dec 2009

What is my investment value ?

If I invest time I want to see results

W = V times L
W = Water / River V = Value / Gradient (High to low) Create high value L = Leverage (depth + Width)

0 Scale 10
Talent Passions Purpose Knowledge Contacts Character How can I create leverage ?

Einsteins Law/ Rule E = MC

Information Age Moores Law
Amount of information doubles every 18 months Aimee Mullins The opportunity of adversity The X Factor The Potential Of The Human Will The only true disability is a crushed spirit.

What When

Goal / End result Set Specific Time

Where How Action Plan Process

Who(m) Who is involved / do what / Role / Network


Reason / Purpose
It is not the Material aspects, It is the feeling / emotion

He who has a WHY to live, can bear almost any how

Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) VAKOG




Auditory (Hearing)


Kinaesthetic (Feeling/Touch)
Olfactory (Smelling)

Gustatory (Tasting)
VAKOG System of 5 Senses 5 Windows to the Soul


Game Plan

Master Thesis (Evening / End of day / After close) Analysis/Reading/Info/Articles/Apps

Main Thesis ( Tomorrow Thesis / Execution of Master)

1 Dominant Thesis (what should


Next day / Intraday

2 Alternative Thesis ( what really

Plan A, B, C .

Game Plan:

Outside / Evening

1) Master Thesis Main and Dominant Thesis (Plan) 2) Alternate Thesis (What if thesis)

Next day / Intra day


Do not judge yourself Break out of the Includes everything / judge nothing. stop self sabotage program (of thoughts) that you run. The masterpiece (you=David) is already created just set it free.

Do not have a breakdown have a break through.

Neuroplastic Transformation Neuro = neuron Plastic = Changeable / Modifiable

Sensory substitution You see with your brain, not your eyes. Building yourself a better brain - Oxygen (exercise0 - Brain Exercise (Braintrainment + hippocampus) Use neuroplasticity to stop worries, obsessions, compulsions and bad habits.

OCD gearshift Lock - Brain Lock - Caudate does not fire Unlock brain circuits - lay down new circuits Access Consciousness Unblock energy flow


Steve Ward

Session 1 Trading to win. Becoming a high performance trader Session 2 The attention and awareness advantage How to develop greater discipline. Session 3 - Thinking Differently (Decision and Discipline)

Session 4 Emotional state mastery

Session 5 Trader toughness training Dealing with losses, setbacks

and errors
Session 6 Breakout Take your trading to next level


Awareness Technique
3rd Technique
Become Aware of Your Thoughts

(1) Lateral thinking (Lumosity) different What if scenarios (2) Parallel thinking 6 thinking hats.

(1) Inner self/mind. Tap into own subconscious mind for answers. (2) Inner stillness meditation. (3) Inner body Feel your body Awareness of different parts


Body Organs cells Molecules Cell director = DNA (identical in every cell) = 2 strands of DNA at conception control everything Cell Receptors on surface cell membrane messengers (Hormones) Intelligence 50 Trillion cells in body (2 million die everyday) Deepak Chopra (1971) Western Science Eastern psychology (from without) I Vedic preventative from within. Mind / Body at cellular level co-operation. Can put the bodies process under conscious control Frozen static cells or river of cells/atoms With every breath you change the river Not one second / breath does the body stay static. Breathing in / out = Remodel the body River of atoms / Bricks of cells = Consciousness = Riverbed

Atoms: H / O / CO2 replace 98% every year Which body model do you refer to: (Skin 4 weeks) (Liver every 6 weeks) (Brain every year) (DNA 3 months) Atoms change DNA change Senses can be changed by the way you live / thinking / Intention. Emptiness in body = Void = Matter = particles frozen in moment of intention. Body = totally alive with intelligence. Each cells thinks and communicates Conscious being with all emotions Transformation of intelligence in ocean bed of infinite intelligence Mind and body = 2 aspects of same field of consciousness.


= Process = Psycho Physiology

Not Successful Trading (2)

(13) What are you MAD about? (14) Level of cell vibration / energy / intelligence / Consciousness (15) To what level do you tap into: - The present moment - Abundance - Infinite / Natures Intelligence (16) Are you at Ease - Unease - Dis-ease - Pain suffering (17) How overload are you (Body / Mind / Spirit)? (18) Are you the ultimate universal Surrogate?

How do we Handle World Scenario / Volatility

Stop senseless / Schizophrenic trading and living Plan your trade + trade your plan No panic / just Looney intelligence Use different methods: state change 5 Senses to your soul Logo Therapy: Big Goal Include other people Know yourself / Find your passion Float down stream / Never Row upstream Live a life Leave a legacy Change a collective consciousness Life Death Life is Forever Birth Death

Why are we here to Trade ??

To create work, or do a deed
To Experience something or someone

Face a fate we must change (Logos)

To change ourselves To Rise above ourselves (the Higher self)

To grow and contribute beyond ourselves

To experience life through you .

Trade from Abundance .. and be Grateful !!!!

Psychology of Trading

I now command my subconscious mind to direct me to help as many people as possible to build their life's to give me he strength to do it with emotion , the persuasion, the humility what ever it takes, to show and get these people to change their lifes now.

Income rarely exceeds personal development. To have more than youve got, become

more than you are.

Unless you change how you are, youll always have what youve got.
Jim Rohn

How to use the quality of winning in your trading

Leverage internal wealth so that it magnifies Self-employed people Leverage come down to how we Leverage our time. What is the internal value that I can Leverage * Talent * Passions * Purpose * Knowledge * Contacts * Character Which of these must I magnify? Which must I delegate to others? See your internal value and then leverage it. Spot value = value differential.

**Become a master of Leverage** Leverage on people around you.

Understand differential value.

Do not spend your money on retail value invest it on wholesale value.

Money does not make money People make money 3 Strategies: 1



(a) Main Thesis What SHOULD the market do tomorrow. (b) Alternate Thesis What the market SHOULD NOT do. What if?

Game plan the previous night will sort out in trading problems the next trading day Trading Plan PYT / TYP

You / me / we are all energy. We share energy We tap into each others energy and thoughts. If you think the answer to the problem is in money / markets / lifestyle / goods ANSWER IS IN YOU!!!

What if I am the difference in the world? What if you are a GIFT to others?

1) 2) 3) 4)

Continuous mental simulation thought control Control self talk Build self image through 5 senses Daily Routine

Dominant plan

You cannot trade the markets you can only trade your beliefs of the markets (Von K Thorps)

Steve Ward
Reflection Look into mirror Process / Outcome Written / Recorded Documentation / journal



Thoughts Behaviour Hub / transition / Rim Understand how I feel

Unconscious / robot Autopilot Consciousness Discipline Awareness in the moment

Positive belief system Positive expectancy

1) 2) 3) 4)

Outcome Big take-aways Keep it simple Just trade (keep it simple)

Everyday (enemy) you have goals and ask questions? Go to Webinar Skype In Trading:

Misplaced energy focus on the outcome and the money. You must focus on the joy / right / light / the positivity / the pure accurate execution of the trade / the flowlesness of the trade = that is the energy (the process and how you feel about the truth)

Atoms: H / O / CO2 replace 98% every year Which body model do you refer to: (Skin 4 weeks) (Liver every 6 weeks) (Brain every year) (DNA 3 months) Atoms change DNA change Senses can be changed by the way you live / thinking / Intention. Emptiness in body = Void = Consciousness = Impulse of intelligence Matter = particles frozen in moment of intention. Body = totally alive with intelligence. Each cells thinks and communicates Conscious being with all emotions Transformation of intelligence in ocean bed of infinite intelligence Mind and body = 2 aspects of same field of consciousness.

MENTAL /Psycho

Brain Thought

Spiritual Belief system Limitations Abundance Mind / Meditation /

Physical Soma (health) Health, immune system / breathing Relaxing / Exercise


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