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Chapter 2 Big Idea: The characteristics of scientific knowledge. Essential Question: How does scientific knowledge develop?

Lesson 1 - What is the big picture? Or general question?

Any scientific inquiry begins with a question based on observation. This is followed by a hypothesis based on research. But not all inquiries include experimentation!

some scientific inquiry investigations are research driven others are experiments driven, while others are based on models as explanations and applications.

Example of a research driven inquiry.

Evidence driven, collected by scientific processes. Data (numbers and figures, quantitative) and observations (qualitative) collection. Patterns identification. Analysis of evidence. This is the investigative phase of the inquiry, a hypothesis has not been posed yet! The hypothesis in these cases is the conclusion.

Explanations are changed based on New Evidence

What may drive the discovery of new evidence?

Scientists skepticism leads them to continue researching and seeking evidence that may have been missed or misinterpreted. New advanced technology gives access to new information that, even though was originally present, was not available due to the lack of technology.

Research Evaluation scientists evaluate each others work, this is known as peer review. Many scientific journals submit research papers to a peer review committee for acceptance before publishing submitted research papers.

Based on empirical data. Data and observation driven. Data collected using scientific processes. Data serves as evidence to support a claim.

Based on opinion. An opinion is an idea that may be formed from evidence but has not been confirmed by evidence. Opinions are not considered to be scientific.

Lesson 2 Big picture

Essential Question? How has scientific knowledge changed society? List examples of scientific discoveries that changed the way we do things.

Compare and Contrast

Scientific Theory A scientific theory is the simplest explanation reached by scientist after numerous methods of study that supports a hypothesis. A theory must apply

Scientific Law A scientific law is a statement that describes a behavior.

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