SE Galt Catholic School Closure Plan - Next Steps &amp Costs Oct 16, 2012

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Cost Es mates


ALL capital projects are dependant upon Ministry funding and require both Ministry and Board approval. Es mates are based on Ministry of Educa on benchmarks and WCDSBs recent construc on experience. Actual costs may vary. Detailed design and cost analysis have NOT been completed for construc on projects. Costs es mates may not reect actual construc on values and should be used for comparison purposes only.

School Phase 1 Holy Spirit Lincoln Avenue Phase 2

Descrip on 2 kindergarten rooms + 2 regular classrooms Demolish 6 classrooms. Addi on to add kindergarten rooms. Convert technology and science rooms to regular classrooms. Parking improvements. Convert exis ng administra on area, library and special educa on room to regular classrooms. Addi on to add a new administra on area, library, 4 kindergarten rooms and 7 regular classrooms.

Es mated Cost $ 1,495,000 $ 2,500,000

St. Vincent de Paul

$ 6,025,000

Phase 3 New Southeast Galt School Total

Construct a new 450 pupil place school.

$8,670,000 $ 18,690,000

Note: Es mated construc on cost do not include the cost to acquire property.

Next Steps

The ARC will review all public feedback received at this public consulta on session and determine their nal recommenda ons at their November 6th ARC mee ng. The ARCs role is to make recommenda ons only. No decisions have been made. The Board of Trustees is responsible for making the nal decision. The Southeast Galt School Closure Review will be discussed at the following Board mee ngs. All mee ngs are open to the public. November 26, 2012The nal report of the ARC will be presented along with the recommenda ons. Members of the public may register as delega ons in advance to present their opinion to the Board of Trustees at this mee ng. December 17, 2012The Board of Trustees may ask sta ques ons of clarica on. Members of the public may register as delega ons in advance to present their opinion to the Board of Trustees at this mee ng. January 28, 2012The Board of Trustees is scheduled to vote and make a nal decision. No delega ons.

A yer will be sent home to all families with mee ng details.

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