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Agency Client Project Title Subject Job # Code # VIDEO Blood drips in sink Establishing shot of church Flashback to party No Dialogue No Dialogue Penny (SHOUTING) See you later Walks past shop Wooded area No Dialogue Attacker (DRUNKEN AND SHOUTING) Hey you! Hey wait up! I'll walk with you Church Wooded area Side of church, towards graveyard Wooded area (Blurry) Exterior house Interior house- Living room Interior house- Hallway No Dialogue No Dialogue No Dialogue No Dialogue No Dialogue No Dialogue Penny (PANICKED): I need an ambulance quick! Establishing shot- Hospital Interior hospital - Ward No Dialogue Father (CROAKY AND FADED): What's all the tears for? I love you, have this on you at all times and i will always be with you Church yard No Dialogue Writer Producer Director Art Director Medium Contact Draft AUDIO

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