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Description of the event ..

It was a time when the British won new land after the French and Indian War. The British made it illegal for colonists to move into the new land west of the Appalachian Mountains. The act made people give up their n homes so solider could have a place to stay and all of this happens without colonist approval. They government needed money for the expenses so they charged the colonist more on taxes without them having any say. The colonist became upset because they felt like their freedom was taken away not that they had to pay. There was a new prime minister who imposed small taxes that had been in near sea ports.

Anger Rating1-10

Justification 2 Higher for your rating Level Questions

I rated it that because it was restricting. People


Proclamation of 1763 . . . .
Quartering Act . . . . Stamp Act

7 8

I rated it that because they government just made rule without asking any one I rated it a 8 because they had no say and there freedom was basically token from them witch started a war.

What would happen if the rebel? Did they have to cook for them too? Were that taxes really expensive? How much percent extra were they charged?

Townshend Acts . . . Boston massacre

3 9

I rated it by 3 because there freedom was already getting token away and that was just an add-on. I rated it an 9 because the British and the colonist had so much tension between them and it let lose and people died.

What if people refused to pay those taxes? How much more were the people upset. What happen to the soldiers after that day? How many other were injured?

Colonist threw snowballs at the British soldiers. Then it got to out of control and the British began to let loose and fire away

Boston tea party

There was a new law that you could only buy tea from thats not from American tea. There was a giant protest. Colonist organized a tea party to discuss the freedom rights. Right the the tea party started the colonist went in the ships a raided over 300 barrels of tea and dumped them into the sea. While a crowd of people watched.

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