Day of The Dead Altar

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Nombre ________________________________________ Fecha _________ Clase ____ La Ofrenda de Da de los Muertos Now it is time for the final part

of our Day of the Dead research project. Id like each of you to build an ofrenda to the person that you have researched. I am not going to judge these on artistic talent; I want all of you to have fun with this assignment! This cant be too authentic. After all, I dont have room in my office for 80 tables with candles, food, and water. Instead, I want you to represent all of the different parts of a traditional ofrenda in a shoebox or some other small type of box. If you do not have a shoebox at home, then make a box out of cardstock or some other type of heavy paper. If you need any of this, come see me, and I can get it for you. Ofrendas are collections of a variety of objects. Some of this can be simulated, some of it cannot. I do not want you to put anything valuable or fragile inside these ofrendas nor do I want you to put actual food, water, or candles. I want this to be a representation of an ofrenda, not a real ofrenda. The components of an ofrenda are as follows: 1. Water/Food picture or drawing 2. Candle picture or drawing 3. Flowers (marigolds are the most common but any will do) 4. Religious objects like crosses or medallions 5. Personal items Nothing perishable, fragile, or irreplaceable should be put in these ofrendas. I cannot be responsible if something happens to them. The fifth part of the ofrenda will be determined by your research. Put something or a drawing of something that your person would have valued or cherished in their lifetime. For example, if you chose Abraham Lincoln, then you could put a book in there to symbolize his love of learning or a picture of a hat to represent his famous stove pipe hat. Make these as bright and colorful as you can. Remember, Day of the Dead is not a sad holiday; it is a chance to be happy and celebrate that persons life. If you have any questions, let me know, but I purposely am leaving this very open. I want to see what all of you can create. These will be due on November 1st, the beginning of the Day of the Dead celebrations, along with your one page research paper.

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