Sexy Library

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[5:16:50 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Evening is setting in as he blazes his trail to the temple!

He comes out near the entrance, scanning around first to see if Eztli is outside* [5:17:39 AM] Blood: Eztli: *walks out from behind a corner from the garden, a bundle of corn in his arms* ... Hello Sibbi. [5:20:06 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Immediately smiles when he sees the other* Hello! I'm glad you're here-- ah, do you need help carrying those? [5:20:41 AM] Blood: Eztli: I have them. *walking inside* What brings you around? [5:24:04 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: To see you, of course. *Follows behind the other, lightly pinching Eztli's lower back* [5:24:55 AM] Blood: Eztli: *moves forward a bit more,chuckling* Why always so late or so early? [5:26:39 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: During the middle of the day I usually have to do camp chores. These are the times when I'm free~ Where you about to make dinner? *food food food* [5:27:37 AM] Blood: Eztli: No actually, just bringing in the ripe corn to preserve it. [5:29:08 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Oh... *TRIES HIS BEST NOT TO SHOW HIS DISAPPOINTMENT. He clears his throat, deciding to trail his fingers up Eztli's back. Attempting to sound seductive* So, Eztli... you know, you have a very nice library. [5:30:14 AM] Blood: Eztli: *raises an eyebrow* ... is that a new 'slang' I'm not aware of? [5:31:32 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *AOIGHS-- quickly tries to recompose himself* No. I mean your actual library! Err, I have not actually read anything from it myself, but I know many people on this island would just die for a chance to read books again... *slowly trails his fingers up to Eztli's shoulder and sliiiides an arm around the other* [5:31:50 AM] BakaGolly: Norwegian library seduction technique ) [5:32:24 AM] Blood: Eztli: ... It is not my library really. It's Xipilli's. [5:33:11 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: ...But you technically partially own it! Right? [5:33:35 AM] Blood: Eztli: I... suppose? [5:34:57 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *GRINS and pulls Eztli closer* Great! Then if you gave your permission, could people come in to see the library? Or perhaps I could take books out to them. [5:38:00 AM] Blood: Eztli: *hugs his corn* No. [5:40:09 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *...NOT AS PLAN. But he doesn't give up. He gives Eztli his bestest most charmingest bishie smile* Please? I promise you that the books would all be kept in good shape. [5:40:59 AM] Blood: Eztli: .... The books are not just mind. And besides, many are in spanish. [5:43:03 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Spanish? W-well, perhaps I could only loan the English ones...? [5:43:45 AM] Blood: Eztli: Sibbi I said no... [5:44:09 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Slumps his shoulders, all the disappoint* [5:44:29 AM] Blood: Eztli: *goes on his tippy toes to give him a kiss* I'm sorry. [5:45:53 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Is disappointed for approximantely 2.3 seconds until he recieves that kiss, and then he beams a doofy happy smile again* It's alright. *Cups Eztli's face and gives him another smooch* [5:46:34 AM] Blood: Eztli: *smiles and kisses him back happily* Now, how have you been?

[5:49:27 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Fine~ Much better now that I am seeing you. *Kisses him back one more time (GAY) before finally releasing him* [5:51:42 AM] Blood: Eztli: Have you been taking care of yourself? *putting the corn away* [5:52:52 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Naturally! I have been training with Bell, you know. *Reaches over to take some of that corn and help put it away* So there won't be any repeat incidents with my face getting hurt. [5:53:24 AM] Blood: Eztli: Excellent. IT's nice to hear her pulling some weight. [5:54:15 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Eztli. *Looks at the other in a slightly scolding way* [5:55:41 AM] Blood: Eztli: *shrugging* What? I just praised her. [5:56:54 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: She has done more than pull her weight. She's helped me very much! You can be certain that I won't be injured again, now. [5:58:01 AM] Blood: Eztli: I can? [5:58:57 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Yes, you can. *Gives him a big, confident smile* And you have Bell to thank for it. [5:59:40 AM] Blood: Eztli: Then I expect nothing less, and I know who to blame if you do get hurt. [6:00:15 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: ...Wait, no! That isn't how that works. *Furrows his eyebrows and frowns, instant derp distress* [6:00:39 AM] Blood: Eztli: I thoughht you were sure of her training? [6:01:51 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: I am-! But... but I mean, we have only gotten to spar twice. She has taught me many things but she is not a miracle-worker. [6:02:26 AM] Blood: Eztli: Then do not talk so confidentally and be careful. [6:05:20 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: I will be careful, but I am also confident. *Smirks, lowering his eyelids* It's just the way I am. [6:06:31 AM] Blood: Eztli: Over confidence can kill you. [6:07:15 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: It won't kill me. I'm confident that it won't! *That smirk turns into a derpy amused grin* [6:08:06 AM] Blood: Eztli: That is not comforting. <:I [6:08:53 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Eztli, baby, do not worry~ Trust me. I will not show up here again with another injury, ever. [6:10:33 AM] Blood: Eztli: Then when you disappear I know what happened... [6:11:18 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: I will not disappear! How can I ease your fears about this? I don't want you to worry. [6:11:56 AM] Blood: Eztli: You will still train with me right? [6:12:19 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Ah... *looks a little uneasy, but he tries to hide that* Of course~ [6:14:41 AM] Blood: Eztli: Are you afraid? [6:15:01 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: No! Certainly not. If anything, I am afraid I would hurt you. *Shrugs, now trying to be a Tough Guy* [6:16:50 AM] Blood: Eztli: *blurts out a laugh, trying to quiet down fast* mm. Don't worry. Don't worry. [6:17:14 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: What was that laugh for?! *whatdaplz* [6:18:03 AM] Blood: Eztli: Nothing. Nothing. But I'm still holding by the deal that you have to prove to me you're man enough to take me.

[6:22:26 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *His whatdaplz face vey slowly turns into one of horror* ...You are?;; I had hoped that you were not really... serious about that... [6:23:34 AM] Blood: Eztli: Well if you are comfortable being the woman of the relationship, then I supppose there is no need. [6:30:50 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: The woman! *Huffs* I am -not- a woman in any context. And I will take you if I please. *Leans over Eztli slightly, attempting to be manly and assertive* [6:31:39 AM] Blood: Eztli: I'll only let you if you can impress me in a match. [6:33:06 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Since that probably isn't going to happen, he keeps trying the MANLY act. He takes Eztli by the hips, trying to gently pin him to the nearest wall* [6:36:12 AM] Blood: Eztli: *grabs his wrist and pulls him down forcefully to his hight* I love you, Sibbi, but you're not getting out of thise one. [6:36:19 AM] Blood: *this [6:37:14 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: HRK-- *Easily yanked down. Well now he's just embarrassed. He smiles nervously* Ah... well, it was worth a shot. [6:37:54 AM] Blood: Eztli: *kisses him and lets him go.* It wont be that bad. How about we have a little session now. [6:47:14 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: That sounds... fine! Yes, fine. *Discreetely rubs his wrist, sure that Eztli has bruised his tender princess skin* [6:48:30 AM] Blood: Eztli: Come on then. If you impress me, I will please you any way you wish~ *walks off* [6:51:30 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: ......... *LOOKS INTERESTED. He quickly follows after the other* That-- that sounds fair. I like that deal. [6:52:36 AM] Blood: Eztli: *smirks, and goes into the courtyard, doing some quick stretching* I want you to show me your very best. [6:54:54 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Oh, I will! *Nods, and then starts stretching his arms a little just because Eztli is doing it and derp he assumes it'll make him look more serious. He steps back a bit, putting some distance between them* So will this be a fight without powers? [6:55:40 AM] Blood: Eztli: Fight however you please, I will stick to mostly countering, dodging and defending. [6:59:58 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Alright. We should have a safety word! *Pauses and looks the other over as he tries to think of a word, eyezooming on Eztli's necklace* ...The safety word is 'bird'. If on of us says that, we stop the match. [7:00:51 AM] Blood: Eztli: Bird? Why can't we just sa-... *shrugs* Okay. [7:01:33 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Smiles, looking satisfied* And one more thing! No face shots, please. Other than that, let's start~! [7:02:04 AM] Blood: Eztli: If ou wish. *goes into a relaxed fighting stance* [7:07:42 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Takes in a deeep breath, trying to prepare himself. Then he moves closer, and tries to do a quick boxing jab at the other's stomach* [7:08:35 AM] Blood: Eztli: *knocks it away with a quick swipe* [7:10:02 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *OAIFHAOG-- gets all flustered, but tries to play it off cooly!* Ahah. I was just testing you, that time~ *And tries again, this time faking a hit towards Eztli's left and then quickly changing direction to try hitting him from the right* [7:10:43 AM] Blood: Eztli: *another quick swipe moves it away quickly*

[7:12:00 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Ow-- *FFFF. Does his very best to not show his embarrassment, but it's still pretty obvious. He comes at Eztli with more gusto, trying a variety of kicks and punches this time* [7:13:42 AM] Blood: Eztli: *starts to move back, dodging them carefully* [7:15:00 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Well he's not landing any hits, but he's making Eztli move back! That's good, right? Derp. He smiles to himself, regaining his confidence* Ah~ I'm making you back off, hm? [7:15:42 AM] Blood: Eztli: Oh yes~ Do try to kick mee out of the courtyard if you can. That would be impressive. [7:17:10 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: !! *Even more confidence! He gets a little too eager, and pretty unwisely attempts to just grab Eztli in order to push or throw him further back* [7:18:30 AM] Blood: Eztli: * moves to the side away from the grab and around him, sending a kick to the others back which he lands with his leg rather than his foot, pushing him forward* [7:20:05 AM | Edited 7:20:17 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *That all happens way too fast for him to even register, and before he knows it he's being pushed forwards. He stumbles over his own foot so for added shame he trips and falls face-first into the ground* [7:23:04 AM] Blood: Eztli: *cringes* ... Are you alright? [7:25:38 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: I'm fine! *Quickly scrambles to get up, wiping dirt off of his face. And he wastes no time in coming after Eztli again, because now he's frustrated lol* [7:26:27 AM] Blood: Eztli: *woopse, here he comes, gets ready to defend* [7:29:05 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Bends down low, and attempts to scoop Eztli up!* [7:30:31 AM] Blood: Eztli: *makes a quick step away, then leans forward to push the other down* [7:31:36 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Pushed right into the ground again, lol. Out of desperation to not look pathetic he tries to roll over and grab Eztli's ankle* [7:34:14 AM] Blood: Eztli: *grabbed by the ankle, pulling back with his other leg getting reasdy to kick* [7:36:02 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Sees that kick comin'! and lets out a small yelp* Not the face! *He tries to yank the other down while he still has a hold on him* [7:37:24 AM] Blood: Eztli: *falls back on his butt, his kicking leg swinging over him* uph! [7:38:54 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Is kind of stunned that that actually worked. But he doesn't want this opportunity to slip by, so he tackles himself onto Eztli. Time to try pinning him down* [7:40:43 AM] Blood: Eztli: *tackled, he makes a little effort to push him off but gives up* Bird. [7:41:11 AM] BakaGolly: Once my mom leaves :') Which unfortunately may be a while lol //holds you sadly ) [7:41:26 AM] BakaGolly: She's been going on for like 20 minutes about how I need to eat all the fruit in the fridge today ) [7:42:07 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *WAS PREPARING TO STRUGGLE AND FIGHT AND wait that was the safety word* What? *Just kinda stares down at the other, surprised* [7:42:46 AM] Blood: Eztli: That was the word right? [7:43:05 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: Y-yes it was, but-- I win? *Slowly starts to relax*

[7:43:51 AM] Blood: Eztli: You win. [7:44:44 AM] BakaGolly: oh yes he will ) [7:45:37 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: ... *GRINS LIKE THE HAPPIEST BORK* Ahaha! I knew I would win~! Did I tire you out~? *Gloating gleefully while still on top of the other yup* [7:46:26 AM] Blood: Eztli: *smirks* I wasn't expecting such quick thinking. [7:47:28 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Ego boost +9000* What can I say? I am just a natural at this. *He shrugs, and then finally realizes that he's probably crushing Eztli with his fat butt so he gets off of the other and tries to help him up* [7:49:27 AM] Blood: Eztli: *takes the help, getting up and dusting himself off* [7:50:20 AM] BakaGolly: LOOL HE WON'T ) [7:50:22 AM] BakaGolly: He thinks he's pro ) [7:51:18 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Tries to help out by fixing Eztli's bangs for him, smirking confidently at the other the whole time* I hope I did not tire you out too much...? We had a deal. [7:52:04 AM] Blood: Eztli: That we did. I think I can still handle... 'another round' ~ [7:54:03 AM] BakaGolly: Sibbi: *Aww yea. He scoops Eztli up bridal-style* That's good. But you should probably be ready for two. Or three. *Innocent smile desu. And then he happily carries the other back inside*

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