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Theorem 1.

In any B-Algebra, the left and right cancellation laws hold

Assume that x*z = y*z, then:

(x*z)*(0*z) = (y*z)*(0*z)
(multiply both sides by (0*z))
(Proposition 2.2 (1))
from equality above, we get the right cancellation laws hold on BAlgebra.


Assume that z*x = z*y, then:

0*(z*x) = 0*(z*y)
(0*(0*x))*z = (0*(0*y))*z
x*z = y*z

(multiply both sides by 0)

(Proposition 1.2 (2))
(Theorem 1.3 (6))
(Proof point (i))

and from the second equality, we get the left cancellation laws hold on
From (i) and (ii), we have proved that in any B-algebra, the left and right
cancellation laws hold.

Definition 1.5
A B-algebra (X, *, 0) is said to be 0-commutative if:
x*(0*y) = y*(0*x)
for all x, y X

Proposition 2
If (X, *, 0) is a 0-commutative B-algebra, then:

(0*x)*(0*y) = y * x

(10) (z*y)*(z*x) = x*y

(11) (x*y)*z = (x*z)*y

(12) [x*(x*y)]*y = 0
(13) (x*z)*(y*t) = (t*z)*(y*x)
For all x, y, z, t X.
(0*x)*(0*y) = y*(0*(0*x))
= y*x




x*y = (x*z)*(y*z)

Definition 2.5 (Property of 0 Theorem 2.3 (6)

Theorem 2.3 (7)

= x*((y*z)*(0*z))

Definition (III)

= x*(z*(0*(y*z)))

Property of 0-commutative

= x*(z*(z*y))

Theorem 2.3 (8)

= (x*(0*(z*y)))*z

Proposition 2.2 (2)

= ((z*y)*(0*x))*z

Property of 0-commutative

= (z*y)*(z*(0*(0*x)))

Definition (III)

= (z*y)*(z*x)

Theorem 2.3 (2)

(x*y)*z = x*(z*(0*y))

Definition (III)

= x*(y*(0*z))

Definition 2.5

= (x*z)*y

Definition (III)

[x*(x*y)]*y = x*(y*(0*(x*y)))

(Definition c)

= x*(y*(y*x))

(Theorem 1.3 (4))

= x*((y*(0*x))*y)

(Proposition 1.2 (2))

= (x*(0*y))*(y*(0*x))

(Proposition 1.2 (2))

= (x*(0*y))*(x*(0*y))

(Definition 1.5)

[x*(x*y)]*y = 0

(Definition 1.1 (a))

(x*z)*(y*t) = x*((y*t)*(0*z))

(Definition 1.1 (c))

= x*(z*(0*(y*t)))

(Definition 1.5)

= x*(z*(t*y))

(Theorem 1.3 (4))

= x*[(z*(0*y))*t]

(Proposition 1.2 (2))

= x*[(y*(0*z))*t]

(Definition 1.5)

= x*[y*(t*(0*(0*z)))]

(Definition 1.1 (c))

= x*[y*(t*z)]

(Proposition 1.2 (4))

= (x*(0*(t*z)))*y

(Proposition 1.2 (2))

= ((t*z)*(0*x))*y

(Definition 1.5)

= (t*z)*(y*(0*(0*x)))

(Definition 1.1 (c))

= (t*z)*(y*x)

(Proposition 1.2 (4))

From (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5), proposition 1.6 is proven.

From Proposition 1.6 (3) and Proposition 1.2 (3), we get that If (X, *, 0) is a 0commutative B-algebra, then:

[x*(x*y)]*y = 0
From proposition 1.2 (3), we get:
[x*(x*y)] = y

For all x, y X

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