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Dragged into the Woods

Inspired by real events.

Genre & Log-line

Horror, Thriller, Science-Fiction
A girl is driving home late when she notices something at the side of the road, but she soon wishes she hadnt stopped. She is dragged into the woods where she discovers a terrifying secret.

The Storyline
The story is principally about misjudgements. There is an extraterrestrial living in the woods, but a notorious gang, wearing aliens masks, are the true horror; abducting women; beating and raping them in the woods. The real alien is actually trying to help the protagonist, Sarah, but she misunderstands the situation, understandably. The alien falsely assumes Sarahs boyfriend, Joel, to be one of the gang and takes him prisoner. The police obviously do not believe Sarah and think that she is just coping with trauma. The story takes place over one night and is almost entirely from Sarahs perspective.

The Location
A Cranham country lane at night can be very mysterious and creepy. This is the perfect setting for our movie as it contains science-fiction and horror aspects. Also, as part of Essex, it has a growing reputation as a UFO hotspot.

An old military bunker is our idea for the aliens transport/home. Its inconspicuous and long deserted, therefore being the perfect design for the alien to blend-in and be undisturbed.

Aims: To successfully cross horror with science fiction Target audience: Ages 15-25; rated 15 for violence and scary scenes. Institutional context: Produced independently, outside of Hollywood e.g. Film4 Productions; low budget.

Inspired by real events...

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