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Engr. Ghanim Ali Al Mansori Department Manager ADDC Western Region-Electricity Services Mico Joy Lucero OHL Engineer September 27, 2012 INCIDENT REPORT Engr. Ismail; Engr. Reynante; File


Date Subject Cc

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DAMAGE H-POLE DUE TO VEHICULAR ACCIDENT Date September 25, 2012 Time Afternoon Place Garmada Problem Severely damage H-pole Materials Pole, UG cable, stay and anchor sets, poles hardwares and pole Involved top assemblies. Pole No. Pole Type Steel Report At around 1430H we received an information from the Network operation section that there is an unbalance loading in LWAPRY1 K11, immediately the crew was sent off to patrol the line, it was then they found an H-pole which is severely damage due to vehicular accident and due to the unsafe condition we isolate the unsafe portion at around 1500H, which causing an outage to an OHL branch. After the site assessment I immediately informed Eng. De Jesus and it was agreed that ACECO will do the rectification but will be strictly supervised by ADDC OHL staff. After the Liwa weather disturbance lots of area that soil has been eroded and the accident site is one of those which affecting rectification staff to experienced difficulty in positioning the new h-pole and due to that it was placed 15mts. away from the original site. Accessibility, mobility and limited visual capacity are the major challenges during the work. Actual rectification process has started at 22:00H 25 September 2012 and power to the OHL branch has restored at 0400H 26 September 2012. Findings Remarks Reported by Attachments As stated Damage H-pole (Steel) Mico Joy Lucero - OHL Engineer 45918 Picture
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