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UNIT 1: Multimedia Production - From Recording Engineer to Producer

Standard Addressed: 1.1 - Innovate {Technology}

Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Performance Level in Meeting Standard

Performance Description
Evidence of Learning

Exceeds (4)

My completed projects (Original Song, The Remix, and Original Score w/Sound Effects) demonstrate a high-degree of creativity and application of tools. My utilization of Garageband goes beyond what was taught in class, and my in-depth approach to applying new skills is evident in the quality and originality of my work.

Meets (3)

My completed projects (Original Song, The Remix, and Original Score w/Sound Effects) demonstrate creativity. My utilization of Garageband demonstrates that I learned and applied what was taught in class.

Approaching (2)

My completed projects (Original Song, The Remix, and Original Score w/Sound Effects) may demonstrate creativity. However, there are errors in my utilization of Garageband, demonstrating issues in the application of key concepts.

Below (1)

My completed projects (Original Song, The Remix, and Original Score w/Sound Effects) may demonstrate creativity. However, there are major errors in my utilization of Garageband, demonstrating major issues in the application of key concepts. I may have chosen to not complete the projects. This would represent a Level 1.

Unit Reflection: Describe any technical skills or new things learned in this unit. Share things you enjoyed, too.

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