Nlra Minutes 120912

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Newton Leys Residents Association Minutes Newton Leys Residents Association 12th September 2012 Recycling facility

Present: 25 Residents were present Neil Taylor Bletchley Police Station Apologies: Gary Mills Town Councillor

Neil Taylor Sergeant for Bletchley Police station confirmed that NL was not currently part of the typical control routes. Low level of anti-social behaviour on the development. To ensure this continues, residents must be proactive and inform the police. It is acceptable to take photos of persons committing an offence to then pass onto the police for further investigation. The police can influence HA and private tenancy agreements. Highlighted the issues with speeding lorries heading down towards the landfill. Query whether we can be supplied with community speed monitoring equipment. Neil said that he would also monitor the situation. James to continue to highlight it to the landfill management. Query whether we should be complaining directly to the transport companies, but we would need evidence. Neil has agreed that we will be included in the PCSO routes. The bad parking is causing issues for the police and emergency services. Call 101 for non-emergency police help


Action by

Date due

106 Agreement Lighting on Arran Way is showing in the 106 that Persimmon shared with the residents, but TW do not agree. James Fuller will continue to push TW to meet with him to walk around the development, so that we can highlight the issues directly with them. Advice will be sought on whether we can push TW on the 106 with legal action. Query whether media could help us with our plight. Query whether we can get an updated 106 plan from TW as it is constantly changing/evolving Appointment of key roles of RA. Individuals are to serve a minimum term of 12 months. James Fuller was nominated for Chair and seconded by Hannah Day Paul Neenan was nominated for Secretary and seconded by James Fuller Hannah Day was nominated for Treasurer and seconded by Ken Website Paul Neenan to create a list of contact details for the website. This will include Bletchley Police Station, Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon etc James has asked for some additional help with administrating the Facebook page


JF & C


Community events: Litter pick 23rd Sept. meet at 11am at the postbox. Sanja will take receipt of the litter picking equipment until community centre is ready Halloween pumpkin carve off 31st October Bonfire night/fireworks tbc



Newton Leys Residents Association Minutes

Grants and funding: Lindsay had already done some investigation into community grants. They need to be submitted before the end of the month, so the sooner we have the bank account open the better. Agreed that Hannah Day should proceed and open a bank account on behalf of the RA as Treasurer 7 Newsletter: Agreed that a newsletter needed to be created and out before the end of October to advertise Pumpkin carving competition. Possible baby competition and also liaise with Newton Longville membership events. Lindsay and Emma to lead on this newsletter HD/LSG



AOB Emma had received a letter from a resident who had been fined for not putting their household rubbish on their property boundary. The resident was disgruntled and felt that they had been singled out and should have been approached directly rather than a complaint made directly to the council Wind turbine SDLT stance re the wind turbine at the landfill is that they cannot get involved directly, but will support where they are able. PN to provide further updates at the next RA meeting Agreed that RA committee meetings will be held bi monthly for the first year and will review again at the next AGM. The next meeting was agreed to be Wednesday 14th Nov at 7pm PN

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