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Thursday 10/18 & Friday 10/19

DO NOW: Analyze the cartoon below using your analytical notes format.

HW: Due Monday/Tuesday Read and do analytical notes on 3 of your resources from trackstar. Study Pros and Cons list, Quiz on Monday/Tuesday
GOALS: IWBAT analyze my exam results and understand the levels of proficiency in each standard IWBAT begin my research for my position in the mock trial

For the next 3 weeks we will be meeting in Ms. Madrugas classroom (Ms. Penas old class). Every day except Wednesdays.

1. Research for 45 minutes using analytical notes for the resources provided. 2. Analyze exam results 3. Practice making a scripted question

Defense team together on my right Prosecution team together on my left

Neutrals sit anywhere in the back

Unit I proficiency
100 90

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Bio 5c- Genetic Engineering Bio 5d-DNA technology Bio 5aMacromolecules NS 7.3- Polllutants Bio 7d- Evolution

Work on writing a scripted question

1. Individually read an create analytical notes on the article The Gulf, One Year Later from the viewpoint of the Environmentalist.

In groups of 2
1. Assign the roles of Environmentalist and Attorney. 2. Create a list of 10 points that you would like to make. 3. Environmentalist: Work with your attorney to create a question that he/she is going to ask you and create a 30 second scripted answer to share with the class (a quick 30-40 second skit in the courtroom).

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