Nlra Minutes 21012012

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Newton Leys Residents Group Minutes for Newton Leys Residents Group Meeting The Three Locks Public

House Stok e Hammond 21/01/2012 Present: Claire, Tina, James, Mechaela, Ann-Marie, Nicola, Gareth, Glen, Paul, Adam

1 Welcome and Introdu ctions The group introduced themselves and how long they have lived on the development. Claire shared her thoughts on the benefits of having a formal Newton Leys Residents Group (NLRG) and the power of a collective voice to address some of the issues relating to the development and build a community. Following the success of the litter-pick in highlighting the community spirit, which exists in Newton Leys; Taylor Wimpey have agreed to meet with representatives of the NLRG to enhance the joint working relationships. Ahead of that meeting, it was agreed that this informal NLRG meeting could identify themes and issues as well as ideas to raise with Taylor Wimpey.

2 Temporary Community Centre There was a good discussion about the Temporary Community Centre / Portakabin, which has been offered by Taylor Wimpey as a meeting place for the group. The attendees all agreed that it would be much more beneficial for the builder to establish a safe play area for the children and were concerned about who would be responsible for the building and what other amenities would be provided. There was agreement within the group that such an area would become a hang-out place for young people and would be a hot-spot for anti-social behaviours. It was suggested that, instead of a Portakabin, the builder could fund the rental of the local Newton Longueville Community Centre for a monthly NLRG meeting. 3 Roles and Responsibilities The attendees discussed the advantages of formalising the NLRG and identifying lead roles and responsibilities. The roles included: Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Sports and Social Lead (to organise community events and support celebrations around the Jubilee and possibly a Newton Leys Olympics) Media and Marketing lead (to develop a logo, publicity material and develop a website for those who are unable to or would prefer not to access Facebook) James highlighted that once a formal group is established; the council can provide a small budget for any group-related activity. It was agreed that further discussion was needed and that the roles should be opened up to anyone on the development who has a keen interest in taking the group forward. It was also agreed that nominations should be made for positions and votes cast. Ahead of appointing a lead; Tina was asked by the group to consider developing a Logo for NLRG Ann-Marie to devel op a flyer to promote NLRG to all on Phase 1 and to include Phase 2. To liaise with Mech ael a to co- ordinate distribution

4 Useful Contacts Ann-Marie explained that she had experienced difficulty obtaining the contact details of the Taylor Wimpey Project Manager; appointed to manage any outstanding build issues for Phase 1. This also raised questions about who would be the single point of contact once the Persimmon Site Manager leaves in July. James explained that he sits on the Committee; responsible for monitoring the Landfill site, where he raises concerns on behalf of residents of Newton Leys. These include the speed at which the recycling lorries drive to the landfill, the damage which has been caused to the builders entrance of the development and the litter left by some of the trucks. Paul explained that there is a lot of publicity taking place to raise the profile of the Dorcas Lane Wind Turbines and that he has engaged with their group. He also advised that there are a number of public exhibitions taking place locally (first one 28th January, Newton Longville village Hall). He suggested that they are a very well organised group and could offer us some good ideas to get our NLRG moving. It was discussed that it would be useful to have the contact details of our local Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) and local Counsellor. Ann-Marie suggested it would be really nice to be able to offer new neighbours a Welcome pack; including contact details, solutions to common problems and a map containing some of the interesting dogwalking routes (discussed by Paul and James) together with details of local business people and tradesman who live on the development, Including Tina (artist) and Bill (locksmith / carpenter). Tina and Claire added that it would be really nice to have a community walk at some point as most people wont be aware of these walks and the scenery. Gareth and Nic to identify our local PCSO James to identify name of our local counsellor 5 Meeting with Taylor Wimpey There was a good discussion about some of the key issues and ideas which will be raised with the Builder and it was agreed how we can be best prepared for the meeting. Neighbours have also made suggestions for key issues via the Facebook page or in writing.

Timetable of events

For us to be made aware of the timescales for the phases of the development.

The Appearance of the Development

To work with the builder to ensure the site stays tidy after our efforts on the Litter-Pick. The meeting also discussed that the contractors have been witnessed creating litter (cans, take away packaging). There was also a discussion about the discarded newspapers which continue to create a mess. To also include plans for the lake to make it safer and plans to clean up the rubbish and tyres at the builders entrance to the development.

Outstanding Snagging Issues

To have the details of the Project Manager and a commitment to complete any outstanding build issues on Phase 1.

Plans to top the roads and island at entrance

To have timeframes for completing the roads (originally promised for end of 2011) and for builder to agree to make Island at entrance safer.

Developing Better Communication

To agree a better line of communication so that the NLRG can support the builder and assist where possible eg when contractors need access to parking spaces.

Play Area for Children

To identify plans to create a safe play area for children before the holiday period; preventing potential accidents and helping the children to avoid removing rubbish from the dumping area to make Dens in the small wooded area. There was a brief discussion about Phase 3 (Oakbrook) which comes under a different region of Taylor Wimpey (North Thames) and is being overseen by a senior member of the Taylor Wimpey organisation. This may be beneficial for NLRG.

Claire to visit sales office and secure a date for the formal meeting with the builder Date of Next Meeting: TBA

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