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Greenhouse effect is process that regulates temperature on Earth and makes life possible. Without greenhouse effect temperature amplitude would be between too big for people and any form of life. But in 1970s, the scientist has realised that increasing the amount of this gases are making our planet warmer and eventually result in an environmental and ecological disaster. Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees take carbon dioxide from the air and produce oxygen. We produce oxygen when we burn the coal,oil,gas They believe that changes our climate and may lead to crises in agriculture which will result with big famine. The sources of water will become unreliable and drought will occur very often. Areas near the coast will be clouder and wetter .There will be more storms. Inland areas will have little more rain but because the temperature will be higher,they will be drier. There is big concern will life on Earth be able to survive so high temperature. Warming might eventually melt the icecaps and increase the sea level for 65 centimetres. The scientist have couple of assessment and they publish couple of report concerning the problem of greenhouse effect and ozone gapes and even sign a Kyoto protocol with very strict regulations for each country for amount of gas they let in atmosphere. However USA as mayor contaminant still didnt sign it. Today major problem is rain forest. In last few years people burn huge areas of rain forest which means there are fewer trees,and,of course more carbon dioxide. All this happens in poor countries where people must do it because it is only way to make food for their families. Only possible solution is to help those countries. However it is truth that country with big industry are one who polluted air and it is unfair and Impossible to expect that poor country could clean it using so called clean industry. It is problem of whole world and whole world must solve it. DEJAN JUNGI 21/2006

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