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I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. 1. Why did the narrator assume that his future was secure? Ans: It was a two acre plot with coconut palms and on old house. Those were the days when the price of coconuts was rising continuously. He assumes that he is secure because he will be getting a good income for his living. 2. Ans: 3. Who were the first visitors to his coconut farm? Birds and butterflies were the first visitors to his coconut farm.

When birds and animals come to his farm, the narrator feels that. a. They are encroaching on his property. b. They come to rest in his garden. c. They also have a right over his garden. Ans : (a) they are encroaching on his property. 4. Ans: Who is referred to as a fierce creature? A deadly cobra is referred as a fierce creature.

5. When the narrator asks this fierce creature to leave his plot, does he think that he is doing the right thing? Why? Ans: Considered from the safety point of view, the writer seems justified in asking the cobra to leave his plot. It is because the cobra is a deadly creature. But biologically speaking, the cobra needs food to survive. The cobra eats rats and eggs. There are hundreds of rats on the farm. Food is easily found. There is one more side to be considered. If man were to buy the whole earth bit by bit, where would the cobra go? Go provides food and shelter for the creatures he has created. 6. Ans: What complaint did the narrators wife have about squirrels and crows? Squirrels and crows are eating ripened jackfruit. The would mean loss of income to the owner.

7. Why did the family plan to kill the rats? Ans: The rats are causing colossal damage to the coconuts. The loss of coconuts is estimated at nine hundred coconuts every month. Coconuts constitute the sole means of the familys livelihood. 8. The wife is upset that the birds are eating away the fruit in their garden, but her husband doesnt seem to share her anxiety. Why? Ans: The husband shows no such anxiety. On the other hand, he pinpoints the beauty of Gods creation. God almighty has created a variety of his creatures and feeds them. He provides food and shelter and thereby assures security to one and all whether man or beast or insect. As father is to family so is God Almighty to all his creatures fruits, edible roots, grass, grain, water, air, warmth and light. Birds, beasts and insects are entitled to the produce of the earth. Man is selfish. He is an egotist. Very little he knows the greatness of God Almighty. 9. Ans: What was the effect of poisoning the rats in and around the house? Dead rats rotted in the attic. They were lying dead everywhere. The stench spread all over the house.

10. According to the narrator, the owls are not the culprits. Why? Ans: The tender coconuts continued to fall. A fortnight passed. The coconut palm climbers then said, The owls are the culprits. They peck at the tender coconuts. But the writer does not believe what the coconut palm climbers say. It is a myth they had heard from their fathers. The truth is that the owl is not a vegetarian creature. 11. The narrator doesnt support his wifes proposal of buying a gun because. a. it wouldnt be easy to shoot owls. b. he was afraid of guns. c. he thought it was cruel to kill

Ans : He thought it was cruel to kill. 12. Ans: 13. Ans: 14. Who then, supports the proposal? His wifes cousin supports his wifes proposal of buying a gun. Where were the bats found in large numbers? Thousands of bats are hanging on the two trees near an old temple on a little islet.

People living around the temple were opposed to the killing of bats because they believed that. a. bats were one among Gods creations. b. bats were not harmful & hence should not be killed. c. bats were the souls of our ancestors. Ans : (c) Bats were the souls of our ancestors. 15. The cousin decides to kill the bats. a. rather unwillingly. b. in a spirit of adventure. c. in a desperate mood d. to take revenge Ans : (d) to take revenge 16. The narrator is not in favour of killing bats, because he believes a. in non violence. b. that bats are our ancestors and hence should not be killed c. that bats are no longer the real culprits. d. that bats have a right to the coconuts. Ans : (a) in non violence.


Answer the following in a paragraph not exceeding half a page each.

How does the family go about tackling the problem caused by the rats and bats? How successful are they? Ans: The loss of nine hundred coconuts every month is causing a lot of anxiety to the family. For the coconuts are the sole means of livelihood for the family. The writer prays for divine forgiveness for he cannot but exterminate them through treachery. His wife bought rat poison. It was mixed with bananas, rice and tapioca and kept all over the place, beneath the coconut palms as well. Two hundred rats died. Along with rats, five hens, twelve squirrels and a cat disappeared. Dead rats rotted in the attic. The stench spread all over the house. Rat menace still persists. It is impossible to get rid of the rats family. In course of time, they become resistant to poison. This is the experience of coconut farm owners. Snakes eat rats. This is going on forever. 2. Whose approach to the birds and animals, do you think, is desirable? Is it practical? Give reasons. Ans: The writer looks at the problem from the philosophical point of view. The universe is created by God. Man, beasts and birds and insects are all Gods creation. The earth is their home. Birds and beasts go about trespassing from one plot to another. They flout legal ownership. They violate the fence. They defy the watch dog or watchman. God has created a variety of things fruit, edible roots, grass, grain, flowers, water, air, warmth ad light. Birds and beasts and insects are entitled to the produce of the earth. The author says, Let us be satisfied with what we get after they have taken their share. This is a divine law. But the difficulty arises when the animals and birds come to destroy the sole means of livelihood. In such cases, we may take action to exterminate them. The writer is in favour of harmonious co-existence of humans with the birds, beasts and insects. The writers wife and her cousin propose to kill the birds and animals by using a gun. In the opinion of the writer it is cruel to kill them. The practical way is to minimize the menace. They should be allowed their share to the extent that the sole means of livelihood is not badly affected. 3. The narrator stresses the need for a scientific method that ensures harmonious co-existence of humans with other creatures. Do you think science alone has an answer to such questions? Discuss...

Ans: Gun is the symbol of cruelty. Equally so is the use of poison. We need to use some other scientific device to minimize damage. We should beat a drum to shoo off the birds and animals away. Even cats and dogs are useful to some extent. Cats kill rats and birds for their food. That is the law of nature. We may use crackers to scare away the birds and animals. 4. In spite of his best intentions, the narrator could not prevent the planned attack on the bats and the killing of the rats. Why? Ans: Men like the writer are few. Whenever rats and bats cause destruction on a large scale, the owners make a planned attack to save the produce. They use a gun to kill the bats and use poison to exterminate rats. This is because man by nature is selfish. He desires all the produce for himself and his family. Whenever there is loss of income, killing is resorted to in a planned manner. Money is the primary consideration in this materialistic world.

1. Ans:

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

What was to take place on the streets of Birmingham on that day? A freedom March was to take place on the streets of Birmingham on that day.

2. Why doesnt the mother want the child to go to the streets? Ans: The mother feared racial terrorists attacks with bombs and guns on the freedom March. So, she asked her child to avoid going to the streets. 3. What do clubs and hoses, guns and jail indicate? Ans: These are the instruments used to control the mob on March; Club is a heavy stick while hose is a long pipe made up of rubber or plastic used for splashing water on the mob. These are the cruel instruments to control the impatient mob. 4. Ans: 5. Ans: Why did the mother ask her child to go to the church? The mother asked her child to go to church instead and sing in the childrens choir. Which phrase in the poem suggests the mothers grief? Those guns will fire.

6. How did the mother know that her child was dead? Ans: A dynamite blast in the church where the child had joined the childrens choir in the church indicates the death of her child.


Answer the following in a paragraph not exceeding half a page each.

1. In lines 5, 6 and 7 the mother tries to scare away the child. Why does she do it? Ans: While scaring away the child with terrorists attack with gunfire and explosion she feared that the child might get lost in the event of a stampede. 2. The child feels secure in the company of her friends. Why does the mother fail to see her point of view? Ans: The child feels secure in the company of friends. But the mother thinks otherwise. Her apprehension is that freedom march is usually, the target of terrorist attack. She thinks from the political point of view. 3. Why does the mother feel that the church is a better place to go to than joining the March? Was she right in thinking so? Ans: The mother feels that church is a better place to go than joining in March. This is obviously because places of worship like church, tomb and mosque, etc., are safe. They are non political organizations. Even terrorists go there for praying. This is the mothers feeling.

Usually terrorists have political aim in view. In order to achieve their object, the political leaders, political organizations and political march or agitations are targets of attacks. As such missiles are not used on places of worship. The mothers way of thinking proves wrong. Dynamite blast targeted the church of a black people. This is nothing but hate campaign the legitimate right of the black people was denied. 4. How do the mother and the child think differently of the March? Ans: The child is innocent. The child asks for permission to join the Freedom March along with other children instead of going to play. No says the mother. She scares away the child with clubs, guns and jail. The child in reply is keen on joining the March to make the country free. There is no fear. There is no danger to children in the march. Other children will go with her. Again the mother refuses permission. She suggests an alternative place. The child is asked to go to church instead and sing in the childrens choir. The child is well dressed and goes to church as per her mothers desire. The mother smiles to know her child being in the sacred place. But that was the last smile on the mothers face. Her smile disappeared when she heard the explosion. She raced through the streets of Birmingham. She found only one shoe her baby wore. The child was dead in the dynamite blast set off on the black peoples church. 5. How does the poet bring out? a. The innocence of the child? b. The anxiety of the mother? c. The brutality of terrorists?

Ans: a. The innocence of the child: The sweet little child is innocent. Instead of going to play the child desires to join the Freedom March along with other children. She does not know anything about the racial terrorists and their hate campaign against the black people. The mother insists on not joining the March. The joy of participation in the freedom march is denied. She falls a victim to the dynamite blast set off on the church where she had joined the childrens choir. b. The Anxiety of the mother: She was an anxious mother. She was feeling anxious about the future is her little child were allowed to join the freedom March. She feared the terrorist movement against the black people. It was a hate campaign against the black people. They were killing black people by throwing bombs. If the child were to join the freedom March, she feared, the child would fall a victim to terrorists attacks. So she did not allow the child to join in the March. She was asked to go to church instead to join in childrens choir. But the sacred place was blasted to pieces. The child died. Her anxiety proved wrong. c. The brutality of the terrorists: The white people had started a hate campaign against the black people. The black people were agitating for freedom. The agitation was growing strong. Their right to freedom was denied. But in reply the racial terrorists began killing the innocent black peopled by their terrorist activities. They were merciless killers. Even the sacred place like church was the target of attack. A dynamite blast was set off in a black peoples church. The innocent children inside the church died. The terrorists have very little regard for the sacred place. They are godless people. Man kills man. Man inflicts pain on man. Like Nero and Hitler, terrorists are inflicting cruelties on innocent men, women and children. Higher values of life are being flouted to the wind.


1. Ans: 2.

Answer the following.

Einstein was awarded the Noble Prize for __________ Einstein was awarded the Noble Prize for his work on the Interpretation of Photoelectric Effect. Einstein sought the company of children because he. a. loved them for their innocence. b. realized their importance in nation building. c. could learn from them. (c) could learn from them. What did the school child seek from Einstein?

Ans: 3.

Ans: The school child found it difficult to do her arithmetic homework. She wanted his help because she had learnt that a famous mathematician was staying close to her house. 4. Why did Einstein place a demand for a wastepaper basket? What does this suggest? Ans: His immediate demand was a wastepaper basket. On being asked the reason for this first demand, his typical response was I commit mistakes you know. Einstein was a humorist. He wanted to start on a humorous note. 5. Einstein had great faith in young minds because they. a. were strong and energetic b. were very intelligent and imaginative c. would bring about change d. would do better than the previous generation. Ans : (d) would do better than the previous generation. 6. Why did Einstein make a telephone call to the Deans office one day? Ans: Einstein was absent minded. It had been arranged one that that his address would not be disclosed to anyone to protect him from inquisitive callers. But at the deans office one day a telephone call seeking direction to Einsteins house was received. The request was politely refused as it had been decided earlier not to disclose his address. Dropping to a whisper the voice at the other end continued, Please do not tell anybody, but I am on my way home and have forgotten where my house is. 7. The trouble with you is you dont know figures. What did the conductor mean by this? Ans: It seems unusual that a scientist of Einsteins caliber would make mistakes trying to calculate small change. It so happened that he was riding a street car in Berlin once when he thought that he had not been given the right change. The conductor counting the change gave it back to him saying the trouble with you is that you do not know figures! He even had a mathematician friend always by his side to examine the problems he put before him to check their identity. 8. Give an example to show Einsteins concern for human life and society. Ans: Einstein actively addressed the important political and social concern of his time. He worked as a pacifist after war. He refused high offices in the area of politics. He was opposed to hand pulled rickshaw. He refused it saying Never would I use another human being as an animal and permit him to carry me about. 9. Why was there a prize Einsteins head? Ans: Einsteins theory of bending of light had proved (1919) exactly right to the last decimal point. After this, Einstein said that in the present situation, his theory of relativity had proved true, Germany will claim him as a German and France will declare that he is a citizen of the world. Einstein thought that his theory may be proved false, because France would have said that he was a German and Germany had been declared that Einstein was a Jew. Einsteins razor sharp intelligence helped him to make the best of even a hopeless situation. Once Nazis attacked his house. They were enraged, when they found that he was not going to return from the USA. They let loose their anger by plundering his house and confiscating his bank documents. They even put a prize of 1000 US dollars on his head. When he heard it, he only remarked. I did not know it was worth so much. 10. What motivated Einstein to restructure the theory of Gravitation? Ans: Einstein as a committed scientist, known for being totally absorbed in any scientific study he undertook. Once he climbed a ladder to change the picture on the wall. Lost in thought, he fell down to the floor. Quickly recovering from his fall, he took a pen and paper and began working out the cause of the fall. Even a fatal fall escaped his notice when he was seized by an idea. This was how the theory of gravitation was restructured. 11. Einsteins reaction to the attack on his house was one of. a. rage b. amusement c. disappointment d. resignation e. shock (a) rage.



Answer the following in a paragraph.

1. How does Einstein use an example from everyday life to explain the theory of relativity? Ans: Einstein explained his theory of relatively in his inimitable style. When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute, it seems more like an hour. That is relativity. He also remarked Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity I do not understand it myself anymore! 2. Why was his house attacked by the Nazis? Ans: The Nazis were enraged when they found that Einstein was not going to return from the USA. The USA was an enemy country. And Hitler feared that the USA might use his services as a scientist for the war purpose. 3. What is the true test of ones sense of humour? How has this been brought out here? Ans: The ability to laugh at one is true sense of humour. Einstein had that ability to laugh at himself. An interesting event brings this fine. An artist made a hasty sketch of Einstein when he was on board a ship. The artist showed the sketch to him and demanded an autograph. Einstein disliked these absurd sketched but loved to write comic verse. So borrowing the reporters pen he wrote: This fat pig you see, Einstein purports to be 4. In what way does Einsteins formula Z contribute to success in life? Ans: Einstein was a man of strange contradictions. Asked for a mathematical formula for success in life, he gave the following on e: If A is success in life then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z where X is work and Y is play. And what is Z? was the question fired at him. Keeping your mouth shut was the equally quick response. This means speech is silver and silence is golden. 5. Why did Einstein refuse the post of vice president of the mark twain society? Ans: The Mark Twain society offered him the post of Honorary Vice President, but Einstein flatly refused the post of Vice president of the Mark Twain society on the ground that Mussolini, the dictator of Italy (1922 1944) had been offered a similar honour. He did not like to be called a Mussolini. 6. Which quality of Einstein is brought out through his meeting with the child? Ans: Einsteins simplicity speaks of his love for children. Realizing the importance of their role in building a new world, he constantly sought their company. Once he addressed the Japanese children that In the children lies the hope of the world. Let us hope that your generation will put mine to shame. Such was his faith in young minds. Einstein never missed an opportunity to learn from others. Once a little school girl went to him for assistance. Later she was supposed to have told her mother that the lesson was easier to understand than when her teacher had explained it to her in the school. On hearing this, the mother went to Einsteins house to apologize for the inconvenience caused. This was his response to her apology, You dont have to apologize. I have certainly learnt more from the conversation with the child, than she did from me.


Answer the following in a page (about 200 words)

1. Describe Einsteins sense of humour. Ans: Most scientists are found serious minded hiding behind heavy books or being short tempered. They are dismissed as dry as dust scholars. But the scientist Einstein belongs to neither class. He was a humane humorist. He was in a class of his own as a scholar. The following anecdotes bring out his sense of humour.

1. Einstein is best known for the theory of relativity. On being asked to explain the theory of relativity.
Einstein explained in his inimitable style. When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute, it will seem more than an hour. That is relativity. He also remarked Since mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself. When appointed the dean of a University, it is said that he was asked to furnish a list of his requirement. His immediate demand was a waste paper basket. On being asked the reason for this first demand, his typical response later was I commit mistakes you know. His good sense of humour helped him to brighten every situation. It so happened that in 1919 during the eclipse, his theory of relativity has been proved true, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare that I a citizen of the world. Had my theory been proved false, France would have said, I was a German and German would have declared that I was a Jew. He could make the best of even a helpless situation. The Nazis were enraged when he refused to return from the USA. In anger they plundered his house and confiscated his bank documents. They even put a prize of 100 US dollars on his head. When he heard this, he only remarked I did not know it was worth so much. Einstein had that ability to laugh at himself which is true of ones humour. While he was on board a ship, an artist made a hasty sketch of Einstein. The artist showed to him the sketch and demanded an autograph. Einstein disliked these absurd sketches but loved to write comic verse. So borrowing the reporters pen he wrote : That far pig you see, Einstein purports to be. 6. Einstein was absent minded. As a dean he would not like to disclose his address to avoid inquisitive callers. But at the deans office one day a telephone call seeking direction. Dropping to a whisper, the voice at the other end continued Please do not tell anybody, but I am on my way home and have forgotten where my house is. 7. He was a man of strange contradictions. It seems unusual that a scientist of his caliber would make mistakes trying to calculate small change. It so happened that he was riding a street car in Berlin once, when he though he had not been given the right change. The conductor counting the change gave it back to him saying: The trouble with you is that you do not know figures! 8. Asked for a mathematical formula for success in life, he gave the following one : If A is success in life then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z where X is work and Y is play. And what is Z? was the question fired at him. Keeping your mouth shut. Was the equally quick response. 2. What were Einsteins political and social concerns? Ans: Albert Einstein was a German Jew. He lived during the Second World War (1939 45). During the war, Hitler put the German Jews in the concentration Camp as political prisoners. Nazi Government inflicted monstrous cruelties for Germans was Hitlers myth. Knowing the Nazi treatment of the German Jews, Einstein went to the USA. During the second world war, the mankind suffered the greatest catastrophe when Atomic bombs were thrown on the Japanese cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima by the Americans, After the war, Einstein worked as a pacifist. He was totally opposed to war. He refused the offer of becoming the President of Israel in 1952. The mark twain society offered him the post of honorary vice president. He refused the offer on the ground that Mussolini the dictator of Italy (1922 1944) had been offered a similar honour. He never liked to be associated with any political organizations of his time. He was a thorough going pacifist loved of peace.

2. 3.



Einstein put a high premium on man and society. He loved mankind. As a means of transport, he was once offered a hand pulled rickshaw. He refused the facility stating, Never would I use another human being as an animal and permit him to carry me about. This episode clearly shows his love of mankind. 3. Einstein was not only a great scientist but also a good human being. How is this brought out through the lesson? Ans: Albert Einstein is regarded as one of the greatest scientists, the world has ever produced. He is described as one of great theoretical physicists of all times. He is best known for the theory of relativity, although the Nobel Prize was awarded for his work on the Interpretation of photoelectric effect. He revealed that it took him just five weeks to write his paper on relativity in between his work as clerk. Riverside church in Manhattan planned to put up statues to the eight most famous scientists who ever lived. Einstein, of course, was included. Vexed with the adulation and adoration surrounding him he would often exclaim, Everybody talks about me and nobody understand me. He became a cult figure. So, he is called more a phenomenon than just a man. Einstein was a man in a true sense. He was a humane humorist. He loved mankind. He loved children most. He was a simple and unassuming man to whom success luxury possessions and appearance were unimportant. He was often seen walking on the streets of Berlin in green slippers without socks. As a civil servant he was getting an annual salary of 3500 francs. He was happy and contented with the salary. Humility underlined his childlike simplicity. He loved being in the company of children. In address to the Japanese children, he said as follows: In the children lies the hope of the world. Let us hope that your generation will put mine to shame. Such was his faith in young minds. As a means of transport, he was once offered a hand pulled rickshaw. He refused the facility stating, Never would I use another human being as an animal and permit him to carry me about.

1. Ans:

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

What tempts the speaker and his family to come out of the house? A cool breeze tempts the speaker and his family to come out of the house.

2. Who breaks the silence? How is it broken? Ans: The speaker's wife breaks the silence. She surveys the scene, comments on a broken window pane. And she blames him for not getting it repaired while other things pay immediate attention. 3. Ans: 4. Where does the speaker see the more attractive view? He sees it just behind him.

Her voice crawl up and down the lawn a. what does crawl mean? b. in this context, what else does it suggest? Ans: (a) Her muttering pervades the atmosphere over the lawn. (b) In this context, crawl means complaining in a way that is not openly heard. 5. The phrase shuts her out could mean that the speaker wants to. a. ignore his wife for the time being. b. look at something more attractive. c. be indifferent to what she thinks is important. (c) be indifferent to what she thinks is important. The boys chin is compared to _______Why do you think this comparison is made? The boys chin is compared to crescent moon. He wants to speak his truth in a masterly determination.

Ans: 6. Ans:

7. Ans: 8.

Pick out the expressions that suggest the son is determined to have his way. Mummy, I want my dinner now. The tone of the boys speech is one of. a. appeal b. helplessness c. anger d. demand What is the unusual rapport that the husband and wife have? Why is it unusual? Unusual rapport this means remarkable harmony or close relationship.

9. Ans:

10. The boy speaks in masterly determination. How does the mother react to it? Why? Ans: The mothers reaction is that children must be disciplined. Otherwise they demand their every wish should be fulfilled immediately. 11. Ans: 12. Why does the speaker call the mothers response a verdict? Mother has a final say in family affairs. She is queen of the house.

The expression the little bastard suggests that the father is. a. vexed b. amused c. impatient Ans : (b) amused 13. Ans: Pick out the words which suggest the patience of the mother and the impatience of the son. Wait, darling, wait, for five minutes says the mother. Mother shows her patience. No, says the little one. Not in five minutes, now. I am hungry now. These words indicate the boys impatience. 14. Which argument of the son appeals to the speaker and for what reason? Ans : The boy says, I am hungry now disclaims the little boy; In five minutes I wont be hungry any more. This argument appeals to the speaker. The speaker further says that such a logician deserves his dinner straightaway.


Answer the following in a paragraph not exceeding half a page each.

1. In the line She looks at me. I look away. What does she look at him for? How does he respond? Ans : In the line She looks at me. I look away. The mother wants the husband to react. But he heard the comment and looked at the attractive view. He just ignored her comment. 2. How does the mother attempt to discipline the son? Does she succeed? Give reasons. Ans : Husband and wife in their unusual rapport are agreed that children must be disciplined. The boy says he is extremely hungry and he wants dinner now. But the mother asked her son to wait for five minutes. Father says, the boy needs food straightaway. The speaker differs from his wife. He is not in agreement with her when she tells the child to wait for five minutes. Husband and wife disagree. So they dont succeed in their attempt to discipline the child. 3. What light does the poem throw on the woman as? a. a wife? b. a mother? Ans : As a wife, she manages the domestic affairs of family well. She loves her husband and her only child dearly. Very often there are frets and fumes about family affairs. Rapport between husband and wife is a rare occurrence.

As a mother, the speakers wife is a disciplinarian. She loves her child dearly but she is of the firm opinion that children must be disciplined. Otherwise they become wild and free. Thereby they ruin their lives or turn anti social. 4. What change do we see in the husbands attitude in the course of the poem? Ans: First, the speaker is in full agreement with his wife in point of disciplining their child. But he does not stick to it. His attitude changes when the child demands dinner immediately. Mother asks him to wait for few minutes. But the child is impatient. He inherits this trait from his father. So he says, such a logician deserves his dinner straightaway.


I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

1. Why did Dave expect Steve to do instead of playing baseball? Ans: Dave expected Steve to work after school as a delivery boy or to sell papers in order to supplement family income. Daves income was too small to maintain the family. 2. Why did Steve force his father to take him to the ball park? Ans: Steve was crazy about the baseball. The Phillies came to town to play an exhibition game with the home team. And so Steve forced his father to take him to the ball park 3. On what condition did Dave agree to take Steve to the ball park? Ans: Dave put the following condition. After school, Steve must work hard helping to make some kitchen selves. 4. Dave was unhappy when Steve explained batting averages because he. a. though Steve was wasting his time memorizing batting averages. b. did not like Steves recitation. c. knew all the details himself. (a) though Steve was wasting his time memorizing batting averages.


5. Why did Dave and Steve go to the field after the match? Ans: Steve wanted to get autographs from the Philly players who were being hemmed in by gangs of kids blocking the way to the club house. Steve was shy. He could not reach any of the Philly players. He came back to stand mournfully beside Dave. 6. Its happened before suggests. a. Eddie has been admired before. b. he has lost many caps like that before. c. he has given away many caps before. he has given away many caps before.

Ans: 7.

a) Describe Steves joy on wearing the cap. b) Mark the differences in the reaction of the parents to Steves new found joy. Ans: (a) Steve was overjoyed at having Eddie Condons cap on his head. He swaggered around wearing the cap and looked in the mirror every ten minutes. He took the cap to bed with him. He had it on his head from the morning until the time he went to bed. b) Dave got tired of the fuss Steve made over that cap and of the way he wore it from the time he got up in the morning until the time he went to bed. Some kid was always coming in and wanting to try on the cap. It was childish. Dave said for Steve to go around assuming that the cap made important in the neighbourhood and to keep telling them how he had become a leader in the park a few blocks away where he played ball in the evening.

Dave wouldnt stand for Steves keeping the cap while he was eating. He was always scolding his wife for accepting Steves explanation that he had forgotten he had it just same, it was remarkable what a little thing like a ball cap could do for a kid. Dave admitted to his wife as he smiled to himself. 8. Dave charged his wife with encouraging Steve to hang around with the park loafers. He meant that she. a. had really encouraged him to go with them b. was not strict enough c. should not have allowed Steve to play baseball. Ans: a) had really encouraged him to go with them. 9. Where did Steve find his lost cap? Ans: One night, two weeks later, Dave was walking home with Steve from the shoe maker. It was a hot night. When they passed an ice cream parlour, Steve slowed down. Steve hung back looking in the window. Steve cried suddenly, pointing at the window. My cap! Theres my cap. He is coming out!. 10. Ans: Pick out the Hudson boys word of warning that shows his anger against Steve. Give me my cap or I will give a poke on the nose, said the bigger boy.

11. Why was Dave surprised that his own shy boy did not back away. Clutching the cap in his left hand, he was willing to fight. And Dave was proud of him. Ans: Dave was surprised that his own shy boy did not back away. Clutching the cap in his left hand, he was willing to fight. And Dave was proud of him. 12. How had the Hudson boy got Steves cap? Ans: The Hudson boy realized that he might lose the cap. I bought it from it from a guy. I paid him. My father knows I paid him. Said he. He said, he got the cap at the ball park, You will have to speak to my father he said. 13. According to Dave, why did the Hudson boy leave the Diamonds in the corridor? Ans: Dave and Steve were left alone in the corridor, knowing that the other boy was preparing his father for the encounter. 14. Ans: Whom did Hudson want to call to resolve the cap dispute? Hudson wanted to call the police to resolve the cap dispute.

15. Mention one reason why Dave made a reckless offer of two dollars for the cap. Ans: Mr. Hudson had Dave sized up. He looked at him and decided that he was broke. Daves pride was hurt to his pride. 16. Ans: 17. Ans: How much did he cap fetch the Diamonds finally? The cap fetched the diamonds 20 dollars finally. When Steve handed the money, his face was white. This suggests that Steve was. a. disappointed b. happy and satisfied. c. angry with father. a) Steve was disappointed.

18. He had been trapped not just by Mr. Hudson but by his own life. He trapped by his own life means trapped by. a. his sons demand b. Hudsons offer c. his own poverty d. his own greed Ans: c) by his own poverty. 19. As Dave sat brooding, he felt sorry that. a. his wife had not approved of his action b. he had allowed himself to be judged by his son. c. he was belittled because of his poverty. d. his son had misunderstood him Ans: d) his son had misunderstood him.

20. Ans: II.

Mention two things which Dave would have like to get Steve. With that money Dave would have like to get a Pitchers glow and a catchers mitt. Answer the following in a paragraph.

1. Both Dave and Hudson said the cap meant a lot to my boy. Whom did it mean the most to? Why? Ans: The cap meant a lot to Steve for it was given away to him by Philly outfielder, Eddie Condon as a token of love. For Steve the cap had a sentimental value. And he looked important with the cap on. 2. Ans: a) Between Dave and Hudson, who do you think was the more responsible father? b) Between the cap and twenty dollars, which do you think is more useful to? 1. Steve 2. Dave Why? a) The lawyer Hudson appeared to be the more responsible father. b) Between the cap and twenty dollars. 1. Cap is more useful to Steve. b. Money is more important to Dave because he is dreadfully poor.

3. Dave was an affectionate father, yet he didnt express in openly. Pick instances to show that Dave was considerate, as well as strict. Ans: Dave was strict in disciplinary matters. Yet he was kind and considerate. 1. Dave scolded Steve when he saw him hurrying off with his glove after dinner 2. His (Steves) failure to appreciate that the family needed a few extra dollars that disgusted Dave. 3. One night Steve was late coming home from the park. See what comes from encouraging the boy to hang around with those park loafers said Dave to his wife. 4. I will fix you, Steve, once and for all. Dave said, I will show but you cant start coming into the home at midnight. 5. When the Phillies came to town play exhibition game with the home team and Steve pleaded to be taken to the ball park, Dave was of course at outraged. Though resentful, Dave took him to the ball park. 6. After the game Dave let Steve drag him onto the field to keep his company while he tried to get some autographs from the Philly players. Dave was surprised that his own shy boy did not back away. He watched him clutch the cap in his left hand, half crying with excitement as he put his dead down and drew back as right first. He was willing to fight. And Dave was proud of him. We could take that money and buy a new pitchers glove for you and catchers mitt. I could catch you; work with you in the lane. May be I could be your coach. Dave wanted to be with him in his hopes and adventures. 4. In the story, how does the understanding between the son and the father changer. Ans: Steve was crazy about baseball. After school, Dave expected Steve to work as a delivery boy. He wanted his son to supplement his fathers income to maintain the family. But Steve had got his mother on his side. Steve. Worked hard but Dave was still resentful. They had to coax him to put on a good suit. When they started out for the match, Steve held aloof, feeling guilty and they walked down the street like strangers. Then Dave glanced at Steves face and half ashamed took his arm cheerfully. When Steve quoted the balling average of every Philly that stepped up the plate, the time the boy must have wasted learning these averages began to appeal him. He showed it so plainly that Steve felt guilty again and was silent. III. Answer the following.

1. Pick out expressions which tell us why Eddie Condon let Steve keep the cap for himself. What does this tell us about Steve and Eddie? Ans: Eddie Condons cap fell at Steves feet. Steve stooped quickly and grabbed it. Okay, son, the outfielder called turning back. But Steve holding the hat in both hands only stared at him. Give him his cap

Steve. Dave said smiling apologetically at Eddie Condon. It was an embarrassing moment. All the other kids were watching. Some shouted, Give him his cap. The outfielder noticing white worshipping face and pleading eyes grinned and then shrugged, Aw, let him keep it he said. No, Mister Condo, you dont need to do that, Steve protested. Its happened before. Forget it. Condon said and so saying he trotted away to the club house. 2. When Steve came home without the cap, the mother said Its his cap, not yours And the father said If he didnt hang on to it, its not worth worrying about now. Comment on the difference in their attitudes. Ans: Mother defended Steve. It was his cap. He lost it. She asked Dave not to scold him. Dave on the other hand remarked that boy was bit worried because the cap had sentimental value. Mother could not understand its value in the world of sport. 3. Pick out expressions that bring out the feelings of Dave and Steve as they walked towards the Hudsons house. Ans: The dispute was to be settled. And Dave got between Hudson and Steve and they walked along the street. They didnt talk to each other. Dave knew the Hudson boy was waiting to get the protection of his home and Steve knew it too, and he looked up apprehensively at Dave. And Dave reaching for his hand squeezed it encouragingly and strode along, cocky and belligerent, knowing that Steve relied on him. 4. I dont want to be like you. Why do you think Steve says this? Ans: When Dave sold the cap for 20 dollars, Steve muttered I dont want to be like you. Dave had money consideration but he didnt realize how much it was worth to him. The cap had sentimental value. The cap had given him a sense of pride and an air of importance, so he was not in agreement with his father whose main consideration was money. The sentimental value of the cap was lost sight of. That was unfair. 5. Examine how Steves attitude towards his father undergoes a change. Ans: Steve valued the Philly cap more than anything else. He looked important with the Philly cap in the world of sport. His father sold it away for 20 dollars. Steve took out the money and he hated the sight of it. Dave had been blind to Steves hopes and adventures. Dave realized Steves sentiments about the Philly cap. Now he proposed to use that money for buying a new pitchers glove and catchers mitt for him. He further proposed to join him in his play. May be I could be your coach. Dave said. He would like to watch him become a great pitcher. Steve, who had never heard his father talk like this, was shy and wondering. All he knew was that his father, for the first time, wanted to be with him in his hopes and adventures. He said, I guess you to know how important that cap was. His hand went out to his fathers arms. With that man the cap was well; it was just something he could buy, eh, Dad? Dave gripped his sons hand hard. The wonderful generosity of childhood the price a boy was willing to pay to be ale to count on his fathers admiration and approval, made him feel humble, ten strangely exalted.


I. 1. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. Te word Regime begins with a capital R. This. a. suggests control and order b. refers to the party in power c. draws our attention to the word b) refers to the party in power. The Regime ordered that all books should be burnt. True / False? True

Ans: 2. Ans:

3. Ans: 4. Ans: 5.

The book burning was done openly. Identify the word or phrase that indicates this. Books with dangerous teaching should be publicity burnt. The books were transported in. The books were transported in carts. The word cart brings to the mind a. an indiscriminate pilling of books b. the large number of books taken for burning c. both b) the large number of books taken for burning. Pick out the word which indicates that the books were already selected for burning. books with dangerous teachings He rushed on wings of anger indicates that a. the poet rushed to register a complaint. b. the poet was over reacting c. the poets reaction was quick c) the poets reaction was quick.

Ans: 6. Ans: 7.


1. Ans: 2. Ans: 3. Ans:

Answer the following in a paragraph.

What could be the reasons for the poets exile? The poet has been exiled because he is opposed Nazism. What did the poet discover? The poet discovered that his books had been forgotten. One of the best a. who says this? b. whom does the word best refer to? a. the poet says this. b. It refers to the exiled poet.

4. Examine the use of the term funeral pyre. In what context is this used? Does it have a special significance here? Ans: A dead body according to the high caste Hindus is confined to the flames a funeral pyre. It is a religious ceremony. It is used here in the sense of a funeral ceremony. 5. Ans: 6. How are the phrases dangerous teachings and exiled poet connected? Such poets as are writing books that oppose Nazism are driven out of the Nazi State.

Do not treat me in this fashion. a. In what manner is the exiled poet being treated? b. The tone of the poet here is one of. a. request b. command c. suggestion d. righteous anger. Ans: a) His books have been forgotten. He has always spoken the truth in his books. In the eyes of the Nazis, he is treated as a liar. b. iv) righteous anger. 7. Ans: 8. Ans: What did the exiled poet discover? What did he feel about it? The exiled poet discovered that his books were not burnt by the Nazis, for which he felt insulted. What did he want the Regime to do with his books? He forced the regime to burn him and also his books as he advocated the truth in his books.

9. Ans:

What could speaking the truth in a book mean? a. to the regime? b. to the poet? a) to the regime, telling the truth means would mean telling a lie or falsehood. b. to the poet, telling the truth would mean telling nothing but the truth. He is guided by his conscience. The two speakers in the poem are. a. The regime and the exiled poet. b. the exiled poet and Brecht. c. Brecht and the reader. a) The regime and the exiled poet.



III. Answer the following. 1. Why does the poet use the phrase Burn me three times in the poem? Does it suggest something different each time? What? Ans: a) He wrote a letter to those in power Burn me b) He wrote with a hurrying poem burn me. c. you treat me like a liar! I order you burn me. 2. Why is the burning of books necessary for? a. the regime? And b) the poet? Ans: Dr. Goebbels, the new Propaganda Minister wanted to put German culture into a Nazi straitjacket. The Nazis wanted Germany to be a totalitarian state. Old order must yield place to new German culture. Goebbels said, These flames not only illuminate an old era but also light up the new. Totalitarianism is antithetical to democracy. Books expounding democratic ideals must be burnt to ashes. The writers who are friends of democracy should be exiled. 3. Why does the poet feel hurt that his books were not burnt? Ans: The poet was treated a liar by the Nazis. So he too wanted his books be burnt. Otherwise it would be insulting to him. So he felt hurt. The Nazis treated truth as falsehood. 4. The word order is used twice in the poem in two separate contexts. Compare them. Ans: In the first context, the word order is used as an order of the Nazis to the public. But in the second context, it is used as an order by the exiled poet to the Nazi regime. The first word is a symbol of power, the second is a symbol of anger. 5. Ans: 6. 7. Ans: Would you consider the exiled poet as a forgotten or is he unforgettable? Give reasons. In a hurry, the books of the exiled poet were forgotten as was already sent out of the nation. The exiled poet communicates the feeling of a. anger b. sadness c. irony How is the situation perceived by? a. the exiled poet? b. the reader? a) angrily the exiled poet. b. the reader with regret. c. Brecht with a sense of decline of good culture. C. Brecht?

8. Do you think that states / organizations / groups have no right to burn books, because books represent the ideas of great thinkers. The burning of books is a symbol of declining of intellectualism. Ans: The states, Organizations or groups have no right to burn books, because books represent the ideas of great thinkers. The burning of books is a symbol of declining of intellectualism.


I. 1. Ans: 2. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. What is Somans complaint to the Panchayat? Soman submits to the Panchayat that Bidesar is falsely claiming his ass as his own. a. I was turning into an ass myself who says this and why? b. It means that. a. he had to leave his studies. b. he had to look after the ass. c. he was feeling stupid. a. Mahabir says this for he has given up his studies in order to look after this ass. He is audacious. b. It means that c. he was feeling stupid.


3. You fool; dont you know how your father passed his life tending the ass? Is this a serious or a humorous comment? Ans: This is a serious comment. 4. Why was Soman given a thrashing? Ans: Having found that it was his ass, Soman rushed to untie the ass tethered at Bidesars place. But Bidesar gave him a rude thrashing. 5. Ans: 6. Mahabir is happy that the donkey has been stolen true / false? True. Mahabir asks: How is it that Master Sahebs dress has a new shine these days? In order to a. find out the fact. b. suggest that he has taken a bribe c. make fun of him d. appreciate his dress. c) make fun of him. Soman promises to offer milk and sugar for one month to Bidersarnath because. a. he wants to please God b. he wants God to make Netaji a leper c. he seeks an honest supporter d. he trusts Lord Bidersarnath. b) he wants God to make Netaji a leper.

Ans: 7.


8. Why does Soman call Mahabir an idiot? Ans: Mahabir proposes to find a new witness. In this context Soman calls him idiot. For in the opinion of Soman no man in the village will dare depose against Master Saheb and Netaji because they are supposed to be responsible persons in the village. 9. Who is Truck Saheb? Why is the called so? Ans: The ass is so called because he can take a truck load of clothes and run like a motor car. And therefore Mahabir has named him Truck Saheb. 10. Ans: 11. Mahabir is making fun of. a. The master b. The Panches. a. The Mster. C. The villagers.

By producing truck Saheb as a witness, how does Mahabir prove his honesty in the end?

Ans: Mahabir has named the ass truck sahib. He knows the traits of his ass. Bidesar is unfamiliar to the ass. He makes a futile attempt repeatedly to put the garland round the neck of the ass. He receives a kick from the ass. Mahabir goes and having put the towel garland round the asss neck, drags it up to the Dias. Caressing it. Here is my witness, Mr. Truck Saheb says Mahabir. 12. The people present clapped because they were happy. a. to see Bidesar kicked by the ass. b. to see the ass restored to its owner. c. that the master and Netaji were proved wrong. d. that the ass was garlanded. b. to see the ass restored to its owner. Suggest possible reasons for Mahabirs choice of a bicycle in place of an ass. Soman had reasons to buy an ass because, a. He had no knowledge of bicycle riding. b. He had fear of falling down from the bicycle. Answer the following in a paragraph.

Ans: 13. Ans:


1. I tend asses all day at school. To whom is the reference made and why? Ans: Here reference is made to master who is deposing before the Panchayat in favour of Bidesar. While Sarpanch asked him to recognize the traits of the ass, the master sahib utters these words in reply to the courts question. He says he is adept at recognizing the traits of the ass because he tends herds of asses all day at school. Here the Master remarks that the children in his class are stupid like a donkey. His statement is irrelevant and uncalled for. 2. The value of an ass is greater than that of a man. Comment on this statement. Ans: Master and Netaji gave false evidence. They were proved wrong by a dumb animal the ass. A man can lie whereas an ass can never do so. Dumb creatures behave instinctively. Men are supposed to behave rationally but they stoop to any low means for their selfish ends. Dumb creatures are faithful to their masters. And therefore the Sarpanchs observation. 3. Write a note on the powerful people of the village. Ans: What is it that makes a man powerful and the people? Property and social status make men powerful and influential. The most important person in the village is the headman. He can exercise control over the people. Now the village Panchayat is a powerful body. It is an elected body. The Panchayat is given judicial powers as well. The members of the Panchayat are now men of consequence. Besides there are political leaders in the village. They are a link between the Government and the people. They enjoy the confidence of the people. There are some who indulge in anti - social activities and mar the social harmony in the village. The so called powerful people give false evidence in criminal cases. The village school master is also regarded as an important person. 4. How does Mahabir outwit the powerful people of the village? Ans: Mahabir is a clever you man. His father stands helpless when his witness turns hostile. No villager will dare depose against master Saheb and Netaji. And villagers do not like to incur the displeasure of the powerful men in society. At this juncture Mahabir takes the initiative. He submits that he may be allowed to produce a witness. The name of his witness is truck Saheb. When the Sarpanch calls him by name, he brags in response. He tells the court that he is the truck Saheb because he can take a truckload of clothes and run like a motor, car. Who can interpret his language? His behavior is as good as human speech. Mahabir takes the towel around his shoulder and ties it into knots to make it Sarpanch asked Bidesar to put it round his neck. Then resemble a garland of cloth round his neck. Then Sarpanch asked Bidesar to put it round the truck Sahebs neck. Bidesar proceeds with the garland and makes futile attempts repeatedly to put it round the neck of the

ass. He receives a kick from the ass. He starts wailing bitterly on the dais. Neither the Master Saheb nor Netaji goes near the ass. Thereupon Mahabir remarks thus. If you approach an unfamiliar ass you are bound to reap such a consequence. "Then Mahabir takes his turn. He goes and garlands the ass and drags it to the dais. Thus he proves that the ass belongs to Soman. III. Answer the following in a page (200 words)

1. "Justice Lies in your hands - How does each witness contribute to the trial in upholding justice? Ans: "The value of man is a story that involves a legal question. One by name Bidesar has stolen the ass belonging to a person by name Soman. Soman makes a complaint to the Panchayat against Bidesar. Bidesar is charged with having stolen his ass. His prayer to the Panchayat is that the ass be restored to Soman being the legitimate owner of the ass. In the court of Law verdict is given on the basis of deposition by witnesses. The case must be proved beyond doubt. The two contenting parties lead evidence. Bidesar cites two witnesses - Master Saheb and Netaji. Two witnesses depose in favour of Bidesar. Soman stands helpless as no villager will dare depose against master Saheb and Netaji. The ass belongs to Soman but court requires proof. The so called people deposed that the ass belonged to Bidesar. Justice is on the side of Soman. But for want of evidence Soman was about to lose the case. With the permission of the Sarpanch. Soman's so Mahabir produced the "Truck Saheb" The ass was named truck Saheb for speed and efficiency. The garland episode was a novel idea. It was an acid test to decide ownership. The accused tried to garland the ass but in vain. He received kicks for he was unfamiliar with the ass. Mahabir on the other hand proved beyond doubt that the ass belonged to his father. The case gives rise to a debate on Law and Justice. Can Law deliver justice all the time? If witnesses turn hostile. There is miscarriage of justice. Men may lie but dumb creatures can never do so. An animal cannot turn made a false claim. The ass is proverbially called stupid. Yet it helps the Panchayat to administer justice by its behavior. In this sense "Law is an ass". It kicks those that make out a false case.


I. 1. Ans: Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. In line I who is the speaker? Who is being addressed? In line 1, the forest is the speaker. The river is being addresses.

2. Which words describe the river? Ans: The roaring river, always travelling, always sight - seeing. Rushing towards the pure domain, the kingdom of water (Sea), the passionate, vigorous spirit of life with eternal flow. The river is described in this way. 3. Ans: What is the 'Kingdom of water'? The Sea is the Kingdom of water.

4. List out expressions that describe the forest, examine how these expressions differ from the words that describe the river. Ans: a) I am 'only a captive chained to the earth. In silence I grow old. In silence I wither and die, before long nothing will remain of me, but a handful of ashes. b) The forest is chained to the earth like a captive while the river is always travelling, always sight seeing. The river is rushing towards the sea - the passionate, vigorous spirit of life with eternal flow. 5. Why does the forest say to the river? 'I wish I were like you'? What does the river say in reply? Ans: The River replies thus. 'O forest, half asleep, half awake, I wish I were you (forest) enjoying a seclusion of living emerald (greenery) and illuminated by moonlit nights, being a mirror reflecting the beauties of spring, a shaded rendezvous for lovers, your destiny a new life every year.

"My life running away from himself all the time from myself all the time, running, running, running in bewilderment". And what is my gain of the entire meaningless journey and never having a moment of calm and rest. 6. Ans: 7. Ans: 8. Ans: 9. Ans: 10. Ans: Why does the river call its journey meaningless? The River is running all the time. It's all a meaningless journey, never having a moment of calm and rest. 'No one can ever know what the other feels'. Who says this? a. the poet b. the river c. the forest d. a passer - by. a) the poet. The passer - by in the poem is. a. the river b. the poet c. man on the journey of life. b) the poet. Why does the passer by ask himself. "Who am I?" does he find an answer to the question? a. the passer by is an aimless wanderer in the shade. b. He combines in himself the qualities of both the river and the forest. Identify the different voices in the poem. The roaring river, rushing towards the sea; the forest stands in silence.

11. Pick out the qualities attributed to the river by the forest. Ans: The River is always running to join the sea. The running river represents the passionate, vigorous spirit of life. The flow of water is eternal. 12. How does the forest see itself? Ans: The forest describes itself as a captive chained to the earth. It grows silence. It withers and dies in silence. It doesn't last long. Before long it is reduced to ashes. 13. How does the forest visualize its end? Ans: The forest does not long last. In silence it grows and in silence it withers and dies. Then it is reduced to ashes. 14. Why is the word 'running' repeated? Ans: The River is running all the time without a moment of calm and rest. The running is repeated to indicate eternity of time. II. Answer the following in a paragraph not exceeding half a page each.

1. How do the forest and river see themselves in the image of each other? Ans: "I wish I were like you, always travelling and always sight seeing; rushing towards the sea says the forest to the roaring river. The forest further sees in the image of the ever flowing river, the passionate, vigorous spirit of life. The forest, on the other hand describes itself as only a captive chained to earth only to perish sooner or later. In reply the river says, "I wish I were you (forest) half - asleep, half awake, enjoying a seclusion of living emerald green and illuminated by moonlit lights. The forest looks exceedingly charming and attractive in spring, the season for lovers to meet in shaded places. The forest enters a new life every year. But the river's life is running away from itself all the time, always running, running in bewilderment. The river is fated to meaningless journey without having a moment of calm and rest. 2. Do we need others to look at ourselves? How does the poem bring this out? Ans: We do need others to look at ourselves in order that we may be able to understand our qualities. They mirror our profile. We can see how we are alike and we are different. This comparative aspect of life is well brought out in the poems. The forest and the river see themselves in the image of each other. 3. by? In what way does the dialogue between the forest and the river reflect the dilemma of the passer -

Ans: The passer by wonders. "Who am I? a river? a forest? or both? He combines in himself the qualities of both the river and the forest. The comparative study of the river and the forest brings out their attributes. Eternal flow is an attribute in a river running all the time without a moment of calm and rest. Whereas the forest has new destiny and new life every year. Seeing their respective attributes, the passer by wonder "Who am I? a river? a forest? or both?". 4. "The grass on the other side of the hedge looks greener". How does the poem illustrate this? Ans : The river likes to be a forest while the forest, a river. The river likes to be a forest because it is stationary. It does not make a meaningless journey without a moment of calm and rest. It looks emerald green. Trees put on new leaves and enter a new life and destiny. Forest is a paradise for lovers. But the river fails to take note on one thing about the forest. The forest is captive chained to the earth. The forest is subject to decay and death. It perishes sooner or later. The forest wishes to be a river. It loves to be a roaring river, always travelling, always sight seeing. The forest loves the river's passionate, vigorous spirit of life. The flow of a river is eternal. However the forest of fails to note that the river is running, running and running all the time without a moment of calms and rest.-

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