Gen Engg

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1. The purpose of jigs and fixtures are to a. Increased production rate b. Increased machining accuracy c.

Facilitate interchangeable manufacturing d. Enable employ less skilled operators e. All of the above 2. Which one of the following methods produces gear by generating process a. Hobbing b. Casting c. Punching d. Milling e. Broaching 3. Tool life of the cutting tool is most affected by a. Cutting speed b. Tool geometry c. Cutting feed and depth d. Microstructure of material being cut e. Not using coolant and lubricant 4. Metal in machining operation is removed by a. Tearing chips b. Distortion of metal d. Cutting the metal across a zone 5. A feeler gauge is used to check a. Radius d. Unsymmetrical shape c. Shearing the metal across a zone e. Pushing the metal with tool

b. Screw pitch c. Surface roughness e. Thickness of clearance

1. The impact strength of an material is an index of its a. Toughness b. Tensile strength c. Capability of being cold worked d. Hardness e. Fatigue strength Answer: Toughness

2. If a material expands freely due to heating, it will develop a. Thermal stress b. Tensile stress

c. Bending d. Compressive stress e. No stress Answer: No stress

3. Ductility of material can be defined as a. Ability to undergo large permanent deformation in compression b. Ability to recover its original form c. Ability to undergo large permanent deformation in tension d. All of the above e. None of the above Answer: Ability to undergo large permanent deformation in compression

4. Cast iron is characterized by minimum of following % of carbon a. 0.2% b. 0.8% c. 1.3% d. 2% e. None of the above Answer: 2%

5. Inconel is an alloy of a. Nickel, chromium and iron b. Nickel and copper c. Nickel and chromium d. Nickel and zinc e. Nickel and lead Answer: Nickel, chromium and iron

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