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An African union is an organization of African states founded in 2002 for mutual cooperation, superseding the organization of African unity. The advent of the African Union (AU)can be described as an event of great magnitude in the institutional evolution of the continent. The AU is divided into 8 commissions and 14 directorates. However, the assembly of the head of states and governments is the supreme organ. It consists of a representative from each member nation, usually the states the assembly meets at least once a year. AU commission, which consists of a chairperson, a deputy chairperson, 8 commissioners and a staff. Examples are union of south Africa. The 37th summit of the organization of African Unity (OAU) held between the 9th 13th of July, 2001 was the last summit of the 38 year old organization. It also marked the birth of a new organization, known as the African Union(AU) which was adopted by 50 of the 53 member countries. Consequently, on Monday, 8th July, 2002, African leaders formally marked the end of the Organization of African Unity and the birth of African Union in its place.


South Africans hold up posters of African presidents at the inaugural summit of the African Union in Durban, South Africa, in July 2002. The African Union, composed of 53 countries at the time of its establishment, replaced the former Organization of African Unity.

Encourage and enhance research relating to integration

and development of the continent. A commitment to economic development To end conflicts in Nigeria. To eradicate poverty, diseases, wants and ignorance in the continent. To develop and introduce a single currency for the African continent. Promote knowledge sharing as an important component of effective policy making. To promote the unity and solidarity of the African states. Examples is human right and slavery.

The sovereign equality of all members states. Policy of non-interference:- no member states has the

capacity and the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other member states. States are equal:- Equal rights should be granted to all member states. Emancipation of African Territories:-working together to free the whole continent from colonial rule. Peaceful settlement of disputes by negotiation, mediation, conciliation or arbitration.



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