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The effects on people playing Call of Duty (COD): There are a lot of disputes over the age rating of COD; the age rating is an 18. The disputes occur due to people believing that an age rating of 18 is too high. They believe that having to be 18 to legally buy COD is unfair, as you only have to be 16 to join the army, which is just a real-life version of COD, in reality.

Call of Duty
Shooting people and being shot in a game may seem like it is all fun and games.

REAL Life Soldier/Army

But in reality, people die due to shootings. This is not for entertainment. This is not a laughing matter.

The effects on people playing Grand Theft Auto (GTA): It has been known for people who play GTA, to attempt to imitate their goings on in the game, outside of the game. For example, people with anger issues may imitate fighting or beating someone; this obviously will not end in the same way the in-game events would. People may even come to believe it is acceptable for them to go ahead and steal a car, just because they did it in the game. Also, as parents are becoming more and more lenient about what sort of video games their children play, younger kids are now playing games like GTA at the age of as little as 9. If these children grow up playing these sorts of games, they are likely to develop behavioural problems, or just generally become a violent person. A child growing up thinking that it is socially (and legally) acceptable to steal a car, is this normal? People who grow up thinking they can steal a car and just simply get away with it; well they are likely to spend a lot of their life in prison.

Grand Theft Auto (GTA)

Here is an image off GTA, where the player is stealing a car. The player is highly likely to get away with this crime.

What Would Happen In Reality

Here is an image of a teenager who got arrested for stealing a car. In reality you cannot legally get away with any sort of theft, let alone the theft of a motor vehicle.

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