Transport Control Program TP Error

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Transport Control Program TP Error 0208

Problem : Transport control program tp ended with error code 0208. Error shows that transport profile is missing.

Action Steps : 1. Check whether transport profile which is located in Transport Domain exists or not. The link should be like this : //<domain_host>/sapmnt/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_<SID>.PFL . 2. Check the TMS configuration like RFC Destination configuration, transport domain setting. 3. Check network connection between localhost and transport domain host. 4. Try to run tp command from OS level. ex : tp showbuffer <SID> pf=<transport_profile> Apparently, that those check action have nothing wrong. They all are exist and working fine. But still the STMS failed to run any tp programs. Solution: Check the user SAPservice<SID> in the Windows User Management or in the Domain Controller. It might be locked or expired. In my case, I found that this service users password is expired. This makes sense that SAP application cannot call tp program. It use SAPservice<SID> user to run tp program in Operating System.

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