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First Presidential Debate 10/4, Obama, Romney Clash Repeatedly Over Taxes, Morning Edition No direct fact-checks 10/4,

, Close Read: NPR Reporters Examine Denver Debate, Morning Edition John Ydstie and Steve Inskeep said Romney was incorrect; they noted that Romneys tax cuts would indeed cost about $5 trillion in the next 10 years; they noted that Tax Policy Center says there are not enough loopholes and deductions to pay for Romneys tax plan. David Welna said Romney was incorrect; he cited incorrect numbers on his energy policy statements against Obama. Julie Rovner said Romney was incorrect; the $716 billion does not change benefits that are guaranteed under Medicare; it comes out of overpayments to insurance companies, hospitals and drug companies. Rovner said Obama was incorrect; not all of the $716 billion stays with seniors as he claimed. Scott Horsely said Romney was incorrect in saying that he supports and has supported Simpson-Bowles. Horsely said Obama was incorrect in saying that he supports and has supported Simpson-Bowles. Inskeep noted Obama was correct in saying that Romney has ruled out revenue. 10/4, Republicans Thrilled With Romneys Debate Showing, All Things Considered No direct fact-checks 10/4, Romneys Tax Policy Still Has Holes After Debate, All Things Considered Ydstie and Audie Cornish said Obama was correct; they noted that Romneys tax cuts would indeed cost about $5 trillion in the next 10 years; they noted that Tax Policy Center says there are not enough loopholes and deductions to pay for Romneys tax plan. Ydstie and Cornish said Romney was incorrect; they noted that Romneys tax cuts would indeed cost about $5 trillion in the next 10 years; they noted that Tax Policy Center says there are not enough loopholes and deductions to pay for Romneys tax plan. Ydstie said Romney was incorrect; the six studies that Romney cited do not support the specifics of his proposal. Ydstie said Romney was incorrect, the deduction cap would not cover the $5 trillion cost of Romneys tax cut. 10/4, Romney Takes A Mini Victory Lap After First Debate, All Things Considered Melissa Block said Romney has not specified how his tax plan will not add to the deficit. Shapiro said Romney was correct; he has indeed long said that he does not want to get rid of all regulations. Ari Shapiro said Romney was incorrect; preexisting conditions are only covered under Romneys plan for people who already have insurance. 10/4, Obama Criticized For Not Pushing Back During Debate, All Things Considered No direct fact-checks

Vice-Presidential Debate 10/12, No. 2s, Biden, Ryan, Square Off In Combative Debate, Morning Edition No direct fact-checks 10/12, Fact-checking Thursdays VP Debate, Morning Edition Michele Kelemen said Ryan was correct; security officials in Libya had asked for more security but did not get it. Kelemen said Biden was incorrect; the administration did know they wanted more security. Kelemen said Biden was incorrect; the State Department account from the night of the attack in Benghazi said the attack did not start as a protest. Kelemen said Ryan was incorrect; there is no evidence that Iran is able to enrich enough uranium to make a nuclear weapon. Kelemen said Ryan was incorrect; the sanctions against Iran have had an effect. Tom Bowman said Biden was incorrect; all American forces will not be out of Afghanistan in 2014. Larry Abramson said Ryan was correct; the White House has cut defense spending in the past. Abramson said Biden was correct; Ryan and the rest of Congress agreed to these cuts in troops last year. Abramson said Ryan was incorrect; Ryan and the rest of Congress agreed to these cuts in troops last year. Ydstie said Biden was correct; the Romney tax plan is not mathematically possible (tax cuts along with preserving biggest deductions). Ydstie said Ryan was incorrect; the Romney tax plan is not mathematically possible (tax cuts along with preserving biggest deductions). Ydstie said Biden was incorrect; the Obama tax plan raises taxes on individuals making more than $200,000 a year and families making more than $250,000 a year, instead of just millionaires. 10/12, Biden Brings High Energy To Vice Presidential Debate, All Things Considered 10/12, Ryan Attacks Biden On Libya Post-Debate, All Things Considered No direct fact-checks 10/12, Week In Politics: Vice Presidential Debate, All Things Considered No direct fact-checks 10/12, Vice Presidential Candidates Spar Over Medicare, All Things Considered Rovner said Biden was correct; the Romney/Ryan Medicare plan eliminates the guarantee of Medicare. Rovner said Biden was correct; Ryans current Medicare plan was not backed by a Democrat. Rovner said Ryan was incorrect; Ryans current Medicare plan was not backed by a Democrat. Rovner said Ryan was incorrect; under Obamacare, 30 million more people will have insurance. Rovner said Biden was incorrect; he and Sarah Palin did not discuss death panels at the last vice-presidential debate.

Second Presidential Debate 10/17, Take-Charge Obama Shows Up For Second Debate, Morning Edition No direct fact-checks 10/17, Close Read: NPR Reporters Examine Second Debate, Morning Edition Jeff Brady said Romney was correct; oil production on federal land and offshore was down 14 percent last year. Brady said Romney was incorrect; domestic oil production is up. Brady said Obama was correct; domestic oil production is up. Renee Montagne said Romney was correct; gas prices have increased from 2008 to now. Brady said Romney was incorrect; a President does not usually have the ability to control gas prices. Ydstie said Romney was incorrect; he will cut everyones tax rate by 20 percent and his tax plan doesnt add up. Ydstie said Obama was incorrect; Romney was not managing Bain Capital invested in companies that outsourced to China. Ydstie said Romney was correct; anyone who owns a broad portfolio of stocks or mutual funds is profiting from companies that have shipped jobs overseas. Rovner said Romney has changed his position on contraception coverage. Kelemen said Obama was correct; Obama did use the term acts of terror on Sept. 12. Kelemen said Romney was incorrect; Obama did use the term acts of terror on Sept. 12. Kelemen said Romney was correct; days after the consulate attack, Susan Rice went on numerous television shows blaming the video for the attack. Ted Robbins said Romney was correct; Obama did not put out an immigration plan in his first year as he promised during his campaign. Robbins said Obama was incorrect; Romney did not endorse the entirety of SB1070, the Arizona immigration law. Robbins said Romney was correct; Romney did not endorse the entirety of SB1070, the Arizona immigration law. 10/17, Two Writers Comment On Presidential Debate, Morning Edition No direct fact-checks 10/17, Obama Focused, Energetic After Second Debate, All Things Considered No direct fact-checks 10/17, GOP Angry With Moderator Crowley After Debate, All Things Considered No direct fact-checks 10/17, Divided Wis. Voters Unite In Debate Viewing, All Things Considered No direct fact-checks 10/17, Gun Control A Surprise Issue In Presidential Debate, All Things Considered Rebekah Metzler said Romney was incorrect; its not technically illegal to have an automatic weapon. Metzler said Romney was correct; he tried to get both sides of the debate to sign an assault weapon ban while he was Governor of Massachusetts. 10/17, Contraception, Pell Grants In Context After Debate, All Things Considered

Claudio Sanchez said Romney was incorrect; Paul Ryans position on cutting education makes it difficult to keep Pell Grants intact.

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