Multiple Linear Regression

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ZPP /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT Satisfaction /METHOD=ENTER ProductQuality EcommerceActivity ComplaintResolution Sales forceImage ProductLine FirmSize /SCATTERPLOT=(*ZRESID ,*ZPRED) (*SRESID ,*ZPRED) /RESIDUALS HIST(ZRESID) NORM(ZRESID).

Notes Output Created Comments Input Active Dataset Filter Weight Split File N of Rows in Working Data File Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing Cases Used User-defined missing values are treated as missing. Statistics are based on cases with no missing values for any variable used. REGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES MEAN STDDEV CORR SIG N /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS CI(95) R ANOVA COLLIN TOL ZPP /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT Satisfaction /METHOD=ENTER ProductQuality EcommerceActivity ComplaintResolution SalesforceImage ProductLine FirmSize /SCATTERPLOT=(*ZRESID , *ZPRED) (*SRESID ,*ZPRED) /RESIDUALS HIST(ZRESID) NORM (ZRESID). Processor Time Elapsed Time Memory Required Additional Memory Required for Residual Plots 0:00:02.200 0:00:02.276 3276 bytes 1128 bytes DataSet1 <none> <none> <none> 100 12-Sep-2012 21:27:57



[DataSet1] Page 1

Descriptive Statistics Mean 6.918 7.810 3.672 5.442 5.123 5.805 .51 Std. Deviation 1.1918 1.3963 .7005 1.2084 1.0723 1.3153 .502 Correlations Satisfaction 1.000 .486 .283 .603 .500 .551 .229 . .000 .002 .000 .000 .000 .011 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 . .087 .146 .066 .000 .159 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 . .082 .000 .301 .273 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Product Quality .486 1.000 -.137 .106 -.152 .477 -.101 .000 E-commerce Activity .283 -.137 1.000 .140 .792 -.053 .061 .002 .087 N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

The descriptive statistics indicate that apart from firm size, all the others have standard deviations which are not very dispersed indicating that the data is not volatile and probably transformation is not required. The means are very much acceptable for product line, sales force image and complaint resolution.

Pearson Correlation

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

Sig. (1-tailed)

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

The correlation matrix indicates that none of the significant correlations are above the cut off of .8 indicating that collinearit y should not be a problem. the highest correlation is between satisfaction and complaint resolution at.603 and is also significant.

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

Page 2

Correlations Complaint Resolution .603 .106 .140 1.000 .230 .561 .089 .000 .146 .082 . .011 .000 .189 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 . .272 .002 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Salesforce Image .500 -.152 .792 .230 1.000 -.061 .289 .000 .066 .000 .011

Pearson Correlation

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

Sig. (1-tailed)

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

Page 3

Correlations Product Line .551 .477 -.053 .561 -.061 1.000 -.177 .000 .000 .301 .000 .272 . .039 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Pearson Correlation

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

Firm Size .229 -.101 .061 .089 .289 -.177 1.000 .011 .159 .273 .189 .002 .039 . 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Sig. (1-tailed)

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size

Satisfaction Product Quality E-commerce Activity Complaint Resolution Salesforce Image Product Line Firm Size Variables Entered/Removed

Model 1

Variables Entered Firm Size, Ecommerce Activity, Complaint Resolution, Product Quality, Product Line, Salesforce a Image

Variables Removed .

Method Enter

Standard error of estimate is the expected standard deviation of the prediction error given as: (square root of Sum of squared errors / n-2)= square root of 27.958/ 98 = .548. this value represents an estimate of the standard deviation of the actual dependent values around the regression line.

The model summary is indicating to the fact that 1)Multiple R is the correlation coefficient between b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction the predictor and the outcome. Square of this R is b Model Summary the R square. Adjusted R Std. Error of 2) R square is the correlation coefficient squared R R Square Square the Estimate Model (.895^2=.801). this is also referred to as the a 1 .895 .801 .788 .5483 coefficient of determination. this value indicates a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Size, E-commerce Activity, the 80 % of the total variation of satisfaction is Complaint Resolution, Product Quality, Product Line, Salesforce Image explained by the regression model consisting of b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Product Quality, E-commerce Activity, Complaint Adjusted R square takes into account the number of independent variables Resolution, Salesforce Image, Product Line, Firm included in the regression equation and the sample size. (R^2 - adjusted Size R^2) = SHRINKAGE. The adjusted value tells us that 78.8 % of the variance Page 4 in satisfaction would be accounted for if the model is derived from the population from which the sample is taken.
a. All requested variables entered.

The H0 : B1 =B2=B3=B4=B5 =B6= 0; H1: Bi =/ 0. If the F test is significant then the H1 is accepted. The ANOVA table provides a statistical test for the overall model fit in terms of the F ratio. the Total Sum of square (140.628) is the squared error if only the mean of satisfaction us used to predict the dependent variable. Using the 6 independent variables reduces the error by (112.669/140.628) *100 = 80.12%. The reduction is deemed statistically significant with an F ration of 64.24 b and a significance level of .000. ANOVA
Model 1 Sum of Squares 112.669 27.958 140.628 df Mean Square 18.778 .301 F 62.464 Sig. a .000

Regression Residual Total

p (n-1)

6 99

(n-p-1) 93

use the a. Predictors: (Constant), Firm Size, E-commerce Activity, Complaint Resolution, standardized Product Quality, Product Line, Salesforce Image estimates to write b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction For a unit change in e-commerce activity on an the regression for an unit change in large firm as compared average satisfaction changes/ decreases a model. Coefficients by .196 units to a small firm on an average satisfaction

changes by .114 units

the standard error of the regression B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Model 1 (Constant) -1.250 .492 -2.542 .013 coefficient is an Product Quality .365 .046 .427 7.881 .000 estimate of how E-commerce Activity -.333 .135 -.196 -2.473 .015 much the Complaint Resolution .300 .060 .304 4.994 .000 regression Salesforce Image .701 .093 .631 7.507 .000 coefficient will Product Line .203 .061 .224 3.323 .001 vary between Firm Size .271 .123 .114 2.207 .030 samples of the a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction same size taken from the same a Coefficients population. that is 95.0% Confidence Interval for B Correlations s.e of prodct line Lower Bound Upper Bound Zero-order Partial Part Model is the standard 1 (Constant) -2.227 -.274 deviation of the Product Quality .273 .457 .486 .633 .364 estimate across E-commerce Activity -.601 -.066 .283 -.248 -.114 multiple samples. Complaint Resolution .181 .419 .603 .460 .231 A smaller s.e Salesforce Image .516 .887 .500 .614 .347 Product Line .082 .325 .551 .326 .154 implIes reliable Firm Size .027 .515 .229 .223 .102 prediction and smaller C.I a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction The zero order correlation is the pearson correlation a Coefficients between each independent variable and the dependent variable. the pearson correlation between product line Collinearity Statistics and satisfaction is .551. Tolerance VIF Model 1 (Constant) The partial correlation between product line and Product Quality .727 1.375 satisfaction controlling for all the other independent E-commerce Activity .341 2.935 variables is .326. Complaint Resolution .576 1.736 The part correlation between product line and Salesforce Image .303 3.304 satisfaction is .154. it represents the unique Product Line .469 2.130 relationship between the predictor and the dependent Firm Size .798 1.253 variable.
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction

VIF and tolerance are used to diagnose multicollinearity. None of the independent variables have a VIF above 10 or Page 5 tolerance below .10 indicating that mulitcollinearity is not an issue in the above regression model. usually VIF = (1/ TOL)

Collinearity Diagnostics

Variance Proportions Model 1 Dimension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Eigenvalue 6.411 .454 .069 .036 .014 .009 .007 Condition Index 1.000 3.759 9.641 13.285 21.129 25.994 31.388 (Constant) .00 .00 .00 .02 .15 .68 .15 Product Quality .00 .00 .03 .25 .05 .62 .04 E-commerce Activity .00 .00 .05 .00 .02 .02 .91

a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Collinearity Diagnostics Variance Proportions Model 1 Dimension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Complaint Resolution .00 .00 .02 .36 .44 .12 .06 Salesforce Image .00 .00 .05 .00 .03 .16 .76 Product Line .00 .00 .08 .01 .79 .10 .01 Firm Size .01 .77 .06 .01 .04 .02 .10

a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Residuals Statistics Minimum 4.546 -2.223 .094 4.491 -1.3412 -2.446 -2.518 -1.4215 -2.595 1.912 .000 .019 Maximum 9.550 2.467 .237 9.469 1.0493 1.914 1.987 1.1317 2.020 17.483 .074 .177

Predicted Value Std. Predicted Value Standard Error of Predicted Value Adjusted Predicted Value Residual Std. Residual Stud. Residual Deleted Residual Stud. Deleted Residual Mahal. Distance Cook's Distance Centered Leverage Value

Mean 6.918 .000 .142 6.919 .0000 .000 -.001 -.0011 -.004 5.940 .011 .060

Std. Deviation 1.0668 1.000 .030 1.0705 .5314 .969 1.005 .5720 1.017 3.056 .017 .031

from this table it is evident that under the variance proportion columns most of the variables have different loadings in different dimensions. for example product quality has 65% variance on dimension 6, product line has 79% variance on dimension 5, firm size has 77% variation in dimension 1. thus indicating that their is no multicollinearity in the data. All these dimensions have relatively small eigen value and large N 100 variance proportions.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction


Page 6


Dependent Variable: Satisfaction

Mean =-4.90E-15 Std. Dev. =0.969 N =100




the histogram looks like a normal distribution. for the HBAT data the distribution of errors is rouughly normal though their is a deficiency of residuals exactly at 0.

0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

Regression Standardized Residual

Page 7

The Normality P-P plot also reflects deviations from normality. the straight line in this diagram reflects the normality while the dots reflect the observed residuals. in a perfectly normally distrbuted data set all the residuals will lie on the line. this is pretty much what we see of the HBAT data.

Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual

Dependent Variable: Satisfaction



Expected Cum Prob




0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Observed Cum Prob

Page 8

The graph below of ZRESID (Yaxis) and ZPRED (Xaxis) should look like a random array of dots evenly dispersed around zero. this graph is used to check for homoscedasticity (i.e. equal variances i.e. Var (u) = sigma square). In our figure below we see that most of the residual values are distributed evenly across zero. this implies we have homoscedasticity, which is one of the major assumptions of regression. heteroskedasticity will generally lead to a funnel like figure.

Dependent Variable: Satisfaction


Regression Standardized Residual



-3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

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Dependent Variable: Satisfaction


Regression Studentized Residual



-3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

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