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Policy on Scheduled Time During the First 100 Weeks The Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine is committed

to creating an environment that supports the development of independent learners through selfdirected learning. As such, the schedule in the First 100 Weeks is designed to ensure adequate time for independent study. Every effort is made to finish required class time by 12 pm four days a week and to keep one weekday unscheduled for Review & Reinforcement (R&R) and self-directed learning. On occasion, the 12-1 pm hour of time during the unscheduled day is needed for required activities. In these instances, students are given as much advanced notice as possible. Every effort is made to keep these instances to a minimum. Course directors or faculty members who would like to schedule required activities during otherwise unscheduled time must present a proposal to the Curricular Integration & Innovation Subcommittee for approval. The request is judged on the basis of the educational value of the proposed activity. At the end of each vertical course, students are given two unscheduled weekdays prior to the Reflection, Integration, and Assessment week to allow for adequate review and self-directed study time. Exceptions are made only when absolutely necessary. Compliance with this policy is monitored by the Associate Deans for Student Affairs and Curricular Integration.

Written 5/9/12 Revised 10/10/12 Approved 10/19/12

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